Chapter One: Just another morning

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“Ughhhh” I groaned. Thought I was more of a morning person, but 5:30 was still a bit too early. I groggily sat up and shook out my frizzy and tangled mess that some people liked to call hair. Clutching at it, I knew that combing through it after my shower was going to be hell. Dad stood in the doorway, satisfied with me for sitting up, then turned and went back upstairs. I fell back onto my mattress, eyelids fluttering shut.

“I heard that! Get up Brianna!,” he shouted from upstairs. I sat back up and swung my legs over the side of the bed, trying to stand on my shaky limbs. Tripping over things that were in my way every morning, I trudged out of my bedroom and to the bathroom, where I stripped down and got into the shower.

The warm water soaked my tan skin, and I ran my hands through my curls, trying to hand-brush out some of the knots before I had to face it on the outside. I closed my eyes and let the water run over me, thinking about the five most perfect guys in the whole world: One Direction. British, singers, dancers, sexy, all five with gorgeous eyes, funny, what more could a girl want. I let my mind wander, their lyrics running through my head jumbled together with their faces. I smiled and stood there singing their sweet music, until I heard Mason pounding on the door.

I rolled my eyes and shut the water off. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body, then braced myself to step into the slightly cooler bathroom. I grabbed the comb and started to try to tame the jungle, when my sister burst through the door, letting the cold downstairs air enter.

“MASON WHAT THE HELL!” I shouted at him, shivering. He ran over to the toilet.

“I have to pee, i couldn’t wait!”  "Well too bad!!!" I rolled my eyes, and kicked the door shut, trying to save some of the warm air. 

“Every time you sing One Direction, you make me feel worse and worse about the tickets.” he shouted from outside the bathroom door. My heart sank. Mason had told me that he wanted to buy me tickets to the One Direction concert in a few days for my birthday. They were going to be at the Richmond Coliseum, a good fifteen minutes away from my house, but he had slept in an extra five minutes and it was too late. They were all sold out. All of my friends were going, and I was going to have to hear all about it from them. Oh well. I sighed at  and fought another tangle.

“It’s fine. It’s not a huge deal.” He sighed and walked away as I finished my battle, shaking and fluffing up my hair to regain the curls. I sat down at my computer and started reading the well known teenage newspaper; Facebook, knowing I had a good hour before I had to actually start getting ready for school. This morning was no different from the others: wake up, take shower, go on Facebook, have my mom come downstairs and yell at me for not doing homework every second of my life, eat breakfast, get dressed, pack my bags, then go to school. It was boring, and the arguments were getting old. Mom was always yelling at me for not trying hard enough, and I knew that she was only looking out for me, but honestly, I’d already screwed up enough. It was my junior year, and I already had a worse GPA and SAT scores. My lifelong goals were pretty much shot in the trash, so I’d adopted an almost permanent foul mood. The only things that could make me happy were One Direction and lacrosse and of course food.

“Have a great day at school,” Mom said as I got out of the car. I rolled my eyes at her, whenever Dad and Mom told me to have a great day, they didn’t really care about my feelings or how my day actually goes, it meant “Get a 100% no mistakes on every little thing you do.” My level of work didn’t satisfy them, but I didn’t really care. I walked away without acknowledging her, and went to meet my friends in the South Cafeteria. When I got in, Brielle and her other friends were jumping up and down screaming at each other. Julia was standing next to them, rolling her eyes, she's not quite into one direction as we were. Nobody really acknowledged our 1D freak out sessions anymore. They were to be expected.

“Brianna!!!!!!!” Birelle trilled, skipping over to me, “THEY’RE COMING! THEY CHECK INTO THEIR HOTEL TONIGHT!” I hugged her tiny body and smiled. Julia slowly drug herself behind her. I went to give them both hugs. Julia came up and was bouncing and doing little dance moves, her Katniss braid bobbing up and down. That was what she did when she got excited over when the next doctor who show would be on.

“The three of us were going to pick up some starbucks after school and go out to the radio station! They’re doing an interview, we were going to try to catch them after it! Brielle volunteering Julia with out her acception. You in?” she said, calmly, but the excitement was still clear in her voice. I frowned and gestured to the skirt I was wearing. All they groaned, knowing that I only dress up when I have to for lacrosse. I had a game at seven; there was no way I was going to make it.

“But Brianna!” Brielle whined, “You’re already not going to the concert! You have to come see them once! Harrys’ sexy face is waiting for you!”

I sighed.

“But I can’t. My coach will kill me if I miss a game, it’s a little tough to replace your first attackemn when you have a team full of mid-fielders. My parents have been getting on my nerves anyway though, I’ll stay with someone like Adam, this weekend and maybe catch them while they’re still here!” I knew it wouldn’t happen, but a weekend away from everyone would be nice anyway. Adam was my best guy friend like my big brother, he lived in the city with his friend Jake, but he didn’t mind whenever Mason and I came over to get out of the house. Brielle nodded, satisfied.

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