Chapter Twenty-one: "Foul"-language

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“Foul!” the ref bellowed. Little bitch. The bitch really just checked me. They were up 13-4. I looked to Coach and he gestured for me to call time. Cocky bitch. She wouldn’t get that chance again. I actually really liked Em as a person, but as a player she was the biggest bitch I’d ever met. She had a competitive nature, which is fine, but there is a line. Have some fucking class.

I stepped back into the box, angrily throwing my hand up for time. I glared at her through my goggle as I set my feet and loaded up. Make a fucking mistake I dare you. Oh and try and hit me, or check me again. My patience will only go so far, why the hell should I be classy if her and her cronies won’t be?

Perfect. She missed the ball, it was a little toward the inside, but she hung it. Holding my weight back, I took my step and stroked the ball towards the goal. Brielle happily pranced in from mid-field to the goal. Overdoing it as she almost landed straight into a ditch. I made my one pass before shooting for it. And you fucking checked me. I stared at her as she slowly walked back to her side  angrily slamming her stick on th eground as she walked. I wanted to glare and smirk at her but I fought the urge to. I actually had class, believe it or not.

I looked for the sign and internally groaned when it wasn’t straight steal the ball from the bitch behind the painted white line. Okay, I might have been being a little harsh, but this was the situation: 1. My team had already played 2 games before that game, and we were tired as hell. 2. Our goalie was hurt, and though she wanted to play, she wasn’t. Our backup was pitiful. So yeah, we were going to lose that championship game, big fucking whoop. I didn’t really mind losing, but I did mind being disrespected. When you are slaughtering the other team, you do not continue to steal the ball and get all cocky. That is like lacrosse etiquette 101. And you don’t say rude things to our goalie, who has clearly not caught in years and was having a hard time. You also don’t snort at her when she throws behind you, bitch she wouldn’t have to if you were playing with some class. Those are bitch moves. Add in the brutal checking, and that was arguably the most unsportsmanlike display that I had ever seen. It disgusted me, I’d honestly expected more from them. Why? Who the hell knows.

I looked over to the parking lot and was instantly relaxed, but at the same time, my stomach was in knots. If that makes sense. The One Direction boys (my new bff’s) must’ve heard where my games were and decided to surprise me. They were smart enough to keep their distance though, they hung back and sat on top of their car, Louis in Harry’s lap. Their presence calmed me as I took my lead, still pissed, but not as much. They smiled and waved once they’d realized I’d seen them, and I smiled back. I didn’t even have to bite my lip anymore, the profanities I’d wanted to scream at Prissy Emma were gone.

Unfortunately,Em had stolen the ball from Sam right behind me, and the half was over. I jogged into the sidlines, with a little more pep in my step (from the boys or the double, who knows) and got a water break and slid the goggle over my sweaty face.

By the end of the inning, we had given up no goals, and I’d gunned the hell out of a girl who’d tried to take an extra goal on me. We trotted back into the sidlines again, and got ready to send our other lines out when we heard a clap of thunder. The refs threw their hands up and gestured for us to exit the field. Thunder was an automatic 30 minute safety delay. The girls from the other team ran out and started flirting with their boyfriends, while me and my girls packed up all of our equipment. It was pointless, they might as well just call the game, the five run rule would prevent us from making a comeback.

“Brianna, Lovebug, why are you all packing up?” Lil asked from the other dugout, her boyfriend wrapped around her. I tried to fight the oncoming scowl, because I wasn’t mad at Lily, she was my favorite girl on the other team, and she was being respectful and only trying to cheer me up then entire game. I would’ve felt terrible for letting my god awful attitude attack her too.

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