Chapter Twelve: Peace at last

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“You just never learn, do you Girl Harry?” Boy Harry asked me, slowly pacing back and forth. He was trying to play the evil villain in some sort of cheesy movie.

To catch you up to speed, our surprise attack had failed. Miserably. We’d run into the other boys’ dressing room to find it empty, so naturally Ni ran straight for the fridge. I, being a normal person (okay that’s not entirely true, whatever sue me), went and plopped down on the couch, kicking my feet up on the coffee table. I closed my eyes and threw my head back against the top of the couch. I heard a rustle coming from the other side of the room (where I knew Niall wasn’t, I could still hear him in the fridge), so my eyes shot open and I screamed. The first thing I saw was Harry hanging from the ceiling above me. He winked and then let go, causing me to scream again just before he crashed onto me.

“NIIIIIIALLLLL!” I screamed, but it was muffled by Harry’s chest squishing my face. I flailed my arms and legs, gasping for air. I felt Harry’s chest rumble and heard the accompanying chuckle. He lifted up so that I could breathe. I tried to narrow my eyes at him, but he flashed me his pearly whites and I nearly melted.

“Gotcha,” he said low in my ear, winking at me. I blushed and tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but he kept his grip on me tight. I frantically looked over to Niall, but he was busy laughing, with a hint of jealousy in his eyes. God, now that I knew he liked me, things were getting even weirder, I was seeing everything! Louis was standing next to him, making no attempt to restrain the leprechaun. They both made kissy faces at me when I looked over. Those six year olds…..

“Alright Lou, I’ve got her!” Harry shouted, practically deafening me. Louis nodded and ran to the door. Harry stood up from the couch and threw me over his shoulder like a rag doll, then started to carry me out of the room. I started screaming and punching his back. That didn’t stop him.

“Ni Ni help me!” I screamed one last time, but all he did was give me a half hearted smile and wink. I narrowed my eyes as Louis slammed the door on him. Then they took me back to yet another dressing room and you are now officially back up to speed.

“Just come over to our side Curly Q!” Harry said right in my ear. He still had his arms around me, restraining me, though it wasn’t really necessary. My hands and feet were tied up, I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. 

“No! She already refused that offer! Now your only option is surrender!” he cackled. I rolled my eyes at him.

“Never!” I screamed, and he grinned deviously.

“Harry,” he said, nodding. Then it came. Harry tickled me all up and down my body, and I began to lose control. I was laughing uncontrollably and thrashing about, but I couldn’t properly defend myself with my flailing limbs because they were tied up. Harry and Louis had really thought this one through. Harry was still playing up the evil villain act, so he was cackling and doing the Mr. Burns (from the Simpsons) hand thing. Suddenly, someone burst through the door.

“I’m here to save you Girl Harry!” a familiar Bradford accent shouted. ZAYN!

“Traitor!” Harry screamed, “I thought you weren’t playing!” Zayn grinned and shook his head at Harry.

“Nope,” Zayn laughed, before running up to Harry and I. He grabbed my feet and slipped me out from Harrys’ grasp. The knucklehead tried to frantically grab for me, but I was already being thrown over Zayn’s shoulders and carried out of the room. I stuck my tongue out at him, making sure it was the last thing he saw before Zayn slammed the door on his dumbfounded face. I laughed as he carried me back into the other dressing room, where Niall was munching on a bag of chips and Liam was texting.

“Got her back!” he said happily, throwing me on the couch next to Liam. Li looked up from his phone, nodded at me, then went back to whoever he was talking to (probably Danielle). Niall plopped next to me on the couch and started to feed me chips, while Zayn attacked the ropes around my hands and feet.

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