Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tongue Tennis

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We got fed up with the fancy restaurant very quickly. Like we walked in, looked around, and decided, this isn’t us (also it looked like we would’ve had to wait for about 12 hours). So we decided to walk to a place that was a little bit more our style, meaning, we decided to walk to the CiCi’s about half a mile away down a busy road with no sidewalks! We’re smarties.

 And of course, I’m being forced to do this hellish walk in my heels, which are very slippery on the soles. Add in my normal balance issues, and I bet you understand how many times I fell. Let’s just go with, a lot, I lost count. Harry and I were walking hand in hand down the road, talking about when we first met (another embarrassing fall story) and I fell again, right on cue. I had randomly decided to start walking on the heels of my shoes, thinking I was all cool, when my legs flew out from under me in different directions. I fell into a split, my hair falling all into my face, my dress riding up to reveal a scandalous amount of my thighs. I would’ve gone full split, except Harry caught my armpits just before I went all the way.

                “Nice catch,” I huffed as he pulled me back up to my feet. He grinned.

                “I agree, I did get a nice catch,” he chuckled. I rolled my eyes, that was incredibly corny…… “This isn’t going to work though. Here, hand them over,” he continued, gesturing to my shoes.

                “I thought you promised Julia that you wouldn’t let me take off these shoes?”

                “No, I promised her that I wouldn’t let you wear another pair of shoes. You can take those ones off,” he replied. I nodded and bent down to free my feet from those hell shoes. I tossed them to him, then decided to make a few more minor adjustments to the outfit forced upon me. I flipped my hair over and pulled it into a messy bun, letting stray curls fall all over my face (but not really caring). That left me barefoot, in a tight black dress.

                “Thanks, let’s get going,” I said, pushing a few strands of hair out of my face. He smiled at me, amused, but didn’t make a move, so I decided to go ahead by myself. I started to walk for a few yards as he watched me. I tried to walk smoothly, but I have sensitive feet, so I winced and hopped with every rock that hit my foot. Harry let me walk for a few minutes, before bursting out laughing. I whirled around to glare at him, “What? I’m hungry let’s go!”

                “Yeah, at that speed we’ll make it there tomorrow afternoon,” he chuckled as he approached me. I crossed my arms and pouted.

                “Well I’m not putting those damn shoes back on,” I huffed. He smiled and kissed me on the forehead, before squatting in front of me.

                “I know, I wouldn’t make you do that. Hop on babes,” he said encouragingly. I contemplated it for a second, then wrapped my legs around his waist and locked my arms around his neck. He got up and started moving, and I instantly grew afraid that he would drop me. I squeezed him tight, trying to hold onto him for dear life. Now I knew how Brielle felt every time I carried her.

                “This feels…..different,” I whispered. I felt his body rumble with a low laughter.

                “I guessed, you’re gonna leave a mark babes,” he laughed. I tried to loosen my grip a little bit, but couldn’t. The fear was falling on my ass was too much. I settled for resting my head on his shoulder and trying to breathe evenly.

                “Sorry,” I mumbled into his skin. I felt one of his arms move from my leg (causing me to tighten my grip even more) and fix his collar. He gently tucked it into my left hand, then did the same with the other before re-gripping my thigh.

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