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Lauren Jauregui POV//7:30 am.

This is it. Today is my first last day of high school. I don't know what to feel right now, I'm glad it's over but I feel like I'm going to miss this place a lot.

Miami Central High has been hell for the last 4 years but it's also been my home. Sadly I'm dreading this.

My best friends are Normani and Dinah. I've known them since I was just a little girl. My parents were close with Normanis parents. They all went to the same school so Mani and I were bound to be best-friends.

Normani's parents adopted Dinah at the age of 2. Mani and I were only 3 when we met Dinah. It was pretty much history after that.

"We're gonna be late, Dinah!" Normani yelled as we ran into the car. Dinah was still inside looking in the mirror fixing herself.

"Dinah! Hurry your ass!" I screamed as Normani beeped the horn.

"Dinah!" We both yelled impatiently.

"Shut up! I am coming!" Dinah walked out the house annoyed. "Just because it is your last first day does not mean you can treat me like this."

We always tried. To treat Dinah with care, but she was like our little sister. She was highly annoying but we were also highly grateful for her.

She was always the outgoing one and people seemed to respect and adore her although she was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome.

Making friends growing up was hard for her. It didn't bother her though, sometimes I don't think she knows the difference between a person who is just making fun of her or genuinely likes her.

But things have gotten better with her recently. The 16 year old girl is starting to control her emotions much better than before.

"Took you long enough." Mani smiled at Dinah through the rear view mirror.

Dinah didn't smile back at Mani she just stared for a moment and then started to pick at her buttons on her coat.

"I'm so excited." I smiled as Mani started to drive.

"For school?" She asked and I nodded. "Figures, you was always such a dork." She teased me.

"Hilarious." I said sarcastically, "I'm just glad it's over." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you gonna finally talk to Y/N this year?" Normani winked.

"I don't know who that is." I tried to hide the blush creeping up on my face.

Y/N was this girl from school that I was practically in love with. Everything about her was absolutely perfect. She was a basketball player and literally everybody wanted her. But get this.

She doesn't pay anybody any mind!

She's stays in the library reading. She's completely isolated from the world, and that's what makes her so magical. Everybody's eyes are on her but she doesn't seem to notice or care. Y/N Walker will be the death of me.

"Earth to Lauren." Normani spoke up.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Are you going to grow a pair of balls and talk to her today?" Normani asked.

"She's so unapproachable. Y/N would never go for someone like me." I groaned.

"First of all--." Normani begun.

"I think Lauren is appealing to my eyes." Dinah interrupted and pointed to her face.

"See even Dinah--."

"You are pretty, Lauren. Y/N will think so too." Dinah smiled after interrupting, again.

"Are you done?" Normani giggled.

"I am done." Dinah smiled.

"Thank you nugget." Lauren smiled back at Dinah. "If Y/N doesn't work out I might just date you."

"No thank you. I have someone." Dinah smiled politely. Normani and I turned around and looked at Dinah with wide eyes.


"English lit, is so not lit." I heard Camila giggle with Ally. In between them was no other then Y/N.

They were the Walker's. Camila Walker, Allyson Walker, and Y/N Walker. They all kept to themselves though, despite extracurricular activities after school.

Y/N ran track and played basketball, she volunteered at the hospitals on Wednesdays and Fridays. She was in the English, Poetry, and Writing club. That's when I discovered that she wasn't just some dumb jock.

Camila was apart of band, key club, student council and comedy club. She played soccer and volley ball; leading her team into nationals twice. She volunteered at the precinct on Tuesday's and Sundays.

Ally was on the year book committee, she was into theatre and arts. She was apart of many youth groups and debate clubs. But her main passion was obviously in the theatre. Ally had a beautiful voice and she was always the lead in school plays. She volunteered at the blood bank everyday after school.

"I like English." Y/N mumbled, her voice was so raspy and she spoke so slow. It was so attractive about her.

"We know." I heard Ally speak.

They begun talking about their plans this weekend. Nothing about them was normal, they were 3 of the most popular girls in school and all they really did was just stay home.

It was boring yet intriguing. Y/N looked and acted like a total badass but she wasn't. Not one bit.

Y/N leaned down behind my neck, I felt her let out a puff of air before she spoke, "If you're going to eavesdrop on my conversation, at least don't be too obvious." She whispered into my ear.

She leaned back into her seat this time and acted as if nothing happened, while I was struggling to breathe.

How did she know I was listening? I didn't even turn around, I tried to be sneaky but that clearly didn't work.

Through the whole class period I felt Y/N eyes burning into the back of my head. Every time I moved I felt her eyes on mine, even when I made eye contact with her by an "accident". She didn't look away.

It's like she wanted me to know that I was staring at her. I tried to fight it but I couldn't. Y/N was all in my head.

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