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Lauren Jauregui POV//8:12 am.

I haven't seen Y/N in a couple of days. She's literally gone missing. I've talked to her siblings but Ally just tells me she's busy.

Camila told me that she was hiding away from me but I doubt that's true. She hasn't been in school since last Tuesday. She hasn't been in the library or any of her classes.

Is it possible to miss someone you barely know?

That's the case with Y/N. I feel this connection between us two and I love it. I want us to be together, but there's something she's hiding from me.

Her and her sisters never keep company. It's like once they get to know somebody they keep them around just for awhile and then the person vanishes. Literally never to be seen again.

People don't question it. In fact I think I'm the only one who notices it, the first time it happened I thought nothing of it. But after the third time it started to get a little strange. Normani said I was just being obsessive again.

But something seemed off about the Walkers. They seemed nice and friendly but sometimes it felt like they were pretending to be something they weren't.

They were smart though, like I said Y/N wasn't the average dumb jock. She may actually be considered a nerd. I love listening to her speak because the way she described things was beautiful. She just had a way with words.

"Hey Camila!" I called after the girl, she stopped in her tracks and turned around. She looked annoyed.

"Y/N, again?" She ran her hand through her brown locks and raised a brow at me. I nodded.

"Listen, you didn't hear it from me. But Y/N is at the gym around the block, she's in the basketball gym shooting around." Camila smiled.

"Why hasn't she been in school?" I ask her.

"She needed a break." Camila shrugged.

"From what?"

"From you."

"From me? What did I do?" I ask the brown-eyed girl.

My head is swirling with confusion. I don't understand why Y/N would need a break from me. The last conversation we had together She just asked me about Brad and my feelings regarding him.

I like Brad.

But I like Y/N more. I think of Brad more as a friend. He's sweet to me, but I want to be Y/Ns girl.

"For someone so smart Lauren, you're clearly oblivious." Camila rolls her eyes.

"I am not oblivious." I defend.

"Stay away from Brad. That's all I have to say." Camila walks away from me.


"Y/N!" I yell walking onto the basketball courts in the gym. "It's Lauren!" I yell louder.

Camila totally lied to me. Y/N is not here at all.

I groan loudly. I don't even know why I'm here or what I'm doing here. Y/N is the hottest girl in school and here I am chasing after her because I thought maybe, just maybe she would be jealous of my "relationship" with Brad.

But I'm dumb, who would skip a weeks worth of school because of some girl that they barely know. Way to be self-centered Lauren.

"I don't think your self-centered." I hear her speak from behind me.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

This girl has to stop sneaking up on me like this or I will die. "Would you please?!" I turn around yelling at the taller girl.

"I apologize." She speaks softly.

Her hair is in a loose ponytail, she's wearing a practice jersey and basketball shorts. The number '10' and 'Walker' right on the back of her jersey.

"Where did you come from?" I ask the girl once I catch my breath.

"Didn't you pay attention in health?" She grins at me. There goes the butterflies. "Do you not want them there?" She asks me.

"What?" I say confused, "what are you talking about."

"The butterflies." Her tone is serious, "The butterflies in your stomach."

"There's no butterflies in my stomach." I lie, "And if there was, how would you know."

She grabs one of the balls from the rack and begins bouncing it on the floor. "I read minds." She says as if it's nothing.

"Y/N, I'm being serious."

"Lauren, I'm being serious."

"I didn't come all the way over here so you could mock me."

"Then why did you come?" She wipes the sweat off her forehead.

"You haven't been to school in a week." I stare at her as she drops the ball.

"I know, I'm aware." She smiles. "You noticed me, huh?"

"Well, technically it was the fact that I didn't notice you." I bit my lip. "Where have you been?"


"I mean clearly, but why. You have school to attend." I point out.

"I can work from home." She shrugs.

"I would like to see you in school, you know?"

"Is that so?"

"Yes." I move from the bleachers and walk up to the taller girl. "I kinda missed you in school."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes." I admit, "Who else am I going to stalk." I joke, making her laugh.

"How's this." She smirks at me, "I'll never miss a day of school again if you let me drive you to school every morning." She proposes, "no exceptions."


"Lauren, no." She smiles, "you don't have to walk with Brad anymore."

"Is that what this is about?" I laugh at the girl, "I could always get a ride with Normani."

"Yes. But you'll be waking up later than usual so I prefer if you drive with me then walk with Brad." She shrugs.

"Who says I'll be waking up later than usual." I look at her weirdly. "You're very strange." I point out.

"And you are intrigued by it."

"What time tomorrow?" I say trying not to sound excited.

"7:30, don't be late." She smirks, "I'm a very impatient person, I won't be scared to kick down your room door."

"I'll give you my address so---"

"I know where you live." She mumbles.

"I'll ignore that weird comment because you're cute." I try my best to flirt. "Do you have my number too?" I laugh.

"I'm not that creepy." She says playfully. "Be outside Jauregui. 7:30." She reminds me.

Bite Size (Lauren/Yn) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now