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Lauren Jauregui POV//11:11 am.

One more period until I have lunch. I'm starving and I slowly feel myself dying of hunger.

At the moment I have a free period, that's one thing I enjoy this year. I have three free periods. During my free periods I usually go to the library and read a couple of books.

I can't help it, but all I do is read.

Walking into the library I see Y/N. She's walking down the first roll with a pen in her mouth, looking for a book I suppose.

Before I know it, I'm walking towards her direction and acting like I'm looking for a book also. Her back faces me as her fingertips trace over the books on the fourth shelf.

Her knuckles are bruised and stained with blood. I don't know if it is hers or not. That's the thing about Y/N. I heard she has terrible anger issues, she acts on impulse without thinking of the consequences.

All I knew about Y/N was that, she was a quiet girl who liked books more than people. She had a bad temper, sometimes rude, but she was very well mannered. She was also busy and unapproachable.

I looked up to the spot the brunette was once standing and saw nothing. She was just there a second ago. I stand on my tippy toes to see if she's in the next aisle, but she isn't.

I turn on my heel and I come face to face with Y/N.

Startling me I fall backwards holding my chest with a shocked expression on my face. She looks down at me, amused.

"That's not funny! Could of gave me a heart attack." I huff and hit my fist against the carpeted floor.

She doesn't speak. She extends her right arm for me to grab, "I think you're going to need more than one arm to lift me up." I raise an eyebrow.

I grab her hand but retreat instantly. When I touched her hands they were cold. Like almost freezing cold. Summer just ended, we're in Miami. Why was she cold?

"I beg to differ." She responds, her right arm stayed in the same position as before. She wasn't phased by my sudden reaction of her cold hands. "I could just leave you on the floor you know." She stares at me cooly.

"I'm sorry." I mumble. I reach out for her cold hands and they grab onto mine firmly. She pulls me up with ease, with no struggle at all.

"So, do you do this often?" She leans against the bookshelf.

"Do what?"

"Follow people." She puts her hands in her pockets after repositioning her black beanie.

"Aren't you hot? It's like 85 degrees outside and you're wearing a jacket and a beanie." I ignore her question.

"I'm cold. I'm always cold." She responds nonchalantly.

"Yeah, go figure." I mumble.

"Are you joining English club this year?" She asks.

"Yeah." I look at her surprisingly. "I didn't think you noticed me in that class."

"I've always noticed you. I just didn't go around stalking you in the library though." She teases me.

"I wasn't stalking you." I roll my eyes. "Don't flatter yourself, there isn't much to stalk." I lie.

"You shouldn't lie." Her gaze on me seemed stronger. For a moment I felt my knees buckling under her stare.

She closes the gap between us, I gulp once I feel her body slowly pressing against mine. She leans down and starts to whisper in my ear. "Do I make you nervous?" She asks me.

Her perfume fills my lungs, she smells like French vanilla and mint. Gathering my thoughts to answer the girl seemed harder than I thought. Why is it so hard to say "no".

I shake my head instead.

"Use words, please." She doesn't move from her position. Her body is stiff, it's like she isn't moving. Meanwhile my heart is racing like crazy.

"No." I gulp, "You don't make me nervous." I lie again.

"Why is your heart beating much faster than normally?" She smirks. How the hell?

"I-It's not."

"I beg to differ." She puts her cold hands on my chest. Right above my breast, "Sorry if I'm enclosing on your personal space." She gently moves the loose hair on my chest to the back of my neck, she places her middle finger and index finger in the middle of my chest. "Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum." She tries her best to imitate my heart beat.

I feel this weird ass shock in my chest making me push her hands off of my chest. "I think that's enough." I avoid eye contact.

"You have beautiful eyes, don't ever hide them away from me." She speaks slowly, my head is spinning so much underneath her stare. I physically feel weak around this girl.

"I-I." I struggle to get the words out. "I need to go." I clear my throat and rush past her.

Walking out of the library Y/N still hasn't left my mind. It's like she stayed there, she's stuck there permanently. I walk to my locker and let out a puff of air, leaning my head against my locker I didn't see anyone approach me.

"Are you okay?" I turn over to see the cheeky boy smiling at me.


"Hey." I smile at him, "No I'm sorry, just a lot on my mind."

"I'm always here for you Laur." He puts his arm around my shoulder. "Whenever you need somebody to cry to or just talk, I'm here for you." He smiles.

"Uh..yeah thanks Brad." I say sounding surprised. I look over for a moment and spot Y/N and her sisters. Y/N eyes are burning holes into the back of Brad's head. Her eyes meet mine and I feel this weird temptation to walk over there to her and leave Brad, but I fight it.

"Can I have your number?" He asks sheepishly.

"Yeah, yeah of course." I mumble only paying half attention to Brad. My eyes stay on Y/N, her eyes don't move from mine. It's like she's listening to our conversation and she's getting pissed by the second.

I write down my number on Brad's wrist. "Expect a call tonight, Laur." He grabs my hands and rubs them lightly and walks away.

I look up hoping to see Y/N but she's gone. Only Ally and Camila are left, talking to a group of people I don't know.

Bite Size (Lauren/Yn) (Lesbian Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt