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Lauren Jauregui POV//5:56 pm.

"That's weird." Normani mumbles.

"I know right!" I shout frustratedly.

Currently, I was telling Normani about my weird day with Y/N.

"Do you think she likes you?" Mani questions.

"Definitely not, she just caught me being the creep that I am. She was so chill about it though. I expected her to curse me out or something."

"But she didn't.." Mani raises an eyebrow.

"That doesn't mean anything." I roll my eyes. "She said my eyes were beautiful." I feel my cheeks heat up.

"She likes you."

"No she doesn't."

"Yes she does. You guys are practically in love already." Normani teases.

"She doesn't even know me." I remind her. "We only talked a couple of times."

"She seems interested though." Normani points out.

"No she doesn't."

"She's always staring at you." She smirks, "Especially when you get up in front of the class, she eye fucks you 25/8." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"No she doesn't!" I can't help the smile on my face, "Does she really?!" The excitement in my voice is clear.

"All. The. Time."

Unknown- Hey Laur, it's Brad.

I look down at my phone. I want to text him back, but then again I don't want to lead him on. I decide that I'm going to reply later.

"Who was that?" Mani asks.

"Nobody important." I grin at her.


Y/N Walker POV//6:00 pm.

"I can't believe it." Camila gasps.

"That can't be possible." Ally looks at the photo again.

"But it is. It's happening Ally." My lips turn into a small smile.

"But that isn't Isabella." Camila stares blankly at me, "You do know that." She states.

"Isabella is dead." Ally reminds me.

"Stop reminding me!" I yell at the smaller sibling. "Gosh! Ally I know! She's gone!" I ball up my fist and throw a hard punch at the metal table in between us. A large dent, the size of my hand is now placed there.

"You can't keep doing this!" Ally yells back, she may be smaller but she was the strongest out of all of us. "Control your anger before I beat the shit out of you." She threatens me.

"Then stop bringing her up! She will never be Isabella!" I shout.

"Then why do you like this girl?!" Ally asks, "You don't even know her, but you like her. How?! You won't even talk to her, you just sit on your ass and watch her from afar like some creep!" Ally scoffs.

Camila sat back and watched, amused.

"I'm not a creep!" I defend myself. "She's different, sure she may look like her. But I learn new things about her everyday, Ally." I try to explain.

"By listening to her conversations with other people?! By compelling innocent people to do shit you're afraid of doing?!" Ally comes closer to me, she's only up to my chest but she pokes me hard in the chest causing me to stumble. Just a little.

"I know her number now!" I stare at my older sister.

"And now Brad is interested in her!" She rolls her eyes, "He's probably texting her right now as we speak, sweet talking her up!" Ally teases me.

"Allyson, stop."

"No! We went away this summer so you could finally get over your weird obsession with this girl. Who you won't even talk to!" She pushes me down on the chair. "Wait till I tell mom and dad." She smirks.

"You wouldn't dare!" I gasp.

"You know I would." She crosses her arms. "Stop doing dumb shit, your going to get us exposed." She walks away.

"She's interested in me." I mumble. This causes Ally to stop dead in her tracks and Camila to stand up from her spot with wide eyes.

"How do you know this?!" Camila looked happy for me.

"She was listening to our convo this morning. Then she was totally stalking me in the library, so I approached her. I asked her why was she stalking me and she said she wasn't. Her mind said otherwise. I was making her so nervous...she's so hot." I put my hands over my face and groan.

"Stop reading people's personal thoughts." Ally tells me.

"Don't be such a blood kill Ally." (No typo) Camila elbows Ally's arm.

"We didn't say anything when you were stalking Troy." I remind her.

"Were?" Camila scoffs, "She still is." Camila laughs. "Oh Troy, you're so beautiful, I wanna be your Gabriella." Camila teases and we start to laugh.

"Shut up, Austin." Ally shoots back.

"Who's that?" Camila plays it off. "I have no idea who Austin is."

"You don't?" Ally scoffs, "You was the dorito girl to his boy." Ally teases, I high five her and laugh along.

"I will gladly suck all the blood out of Troy. Try me hoe." Camila threatens.

"You wouldn't."

"I would." Camila smirks.

"ANYWAYS." I interrupt them, "Let's get back to Lauren."

"I think you should get to know her first. Isabella was your first love, Lauren's personality might be different from that. You can't go into a relationship with Lauren thinking she's like Isabella because they look alike." Ally runs her hands through her hair.

"Exactly alike." Camila chimes in.

"Okay." I huff, "I'll do it the old fashion way."

"The 1950's all over again huh?" Ally laughs.

"Only way."

"Yeah but dates used to cost like 8 dollars, you know gasoline is like 20 dollars now!" Camila scoffs.

"What in gods name." Ally looks at Camila shocked.

Bite Size (Lauren/Yn) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now