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Lauren Jauregui POV//7:40 am.

Typical me. Running late on the second day of school. Normani and Dinah left me this morning because I over slept.

"I hate my life." I mumble to myself.

Walking to school was a complete drag. I was praying that nobody would notice me walking to school because I look like a total loner.

Walking down the long road early in the morning was a lot of work. More than I had anticipated.

"Hey! Lauren wait up!" I heard somebody yell. I turned around and saw Brad running towards me. He looked like a cute hot mess.

I stopped and watched as the boy ran as fast as his two feet could. "Hey brad." I greet the boy with a hug.

He wraps his arms around me tightly and let's me go. His scent wasn't as good as Y/N but it will do. He reeked of cologne and cigarettes.

"I don't usually see you walking."

"Yeah, I woke up late today and my friends left me." I huff.

"Can't you drive though." He looks down at me.

"But who has the money to buy a car. I can barely afford the bus fair." I chuckle. "Don't you have a car?" I ask him.

"Yeah but I enjoy the walk to school. Gives me time for myself." He smiles.

"For a what? Smoke?" I chuckle.

"Yes, sometimes." He stuffs his hands in his pocket. "Do you smoke?" He asks me.

"I never smoked in my life." I admit.

"Do you wanna try some time?" He asks me cautiously.

"Are you trying to sell me drugs?" I laugh at him.

"No. cigarettes aren't drugs. I smoke during lunch, you can always join me if you like." He seems nervous.

"Thank you, but no thank you." I turn him down politely. "Cigarettes are bad for you."

"Maybe we're bad for cigarettes." He shrugs.

I can't help but burst into laughter, he couldn't be serious. That has to be the most idiotic thing I heard in months. "Are you joking?!"

"It seemed smarter in my head." He chuckles lightly. "I got you to laugh, didn't I?" He says as walk into school side by side. "Ladies first." He says opening the main doors for me.

"You did get me to laugh." I smile up at him, "Thank you."  We walk inside and the bell rings instantly.

"And that would be the second bell." He winks at me before walking away. "See you later, Laur." He turns around, he bumps into a garbage can behind him causing him to stumble a little. That earns another laugh from me. "I meant to do that." He tries to play it off.

Walking into my first period class late, on the second day of school. My senior year. There's no excuse. I ran out of those in 7th grade.

"Ahh look who decided to show." My literature teacher says as I walk into the class room. All eyes are on me, all I'm looking at is Y/N though.

Every time she stares at me I feel like I'm in a weird trance. All my thoughts of Brad being the perfect guy for me has erased. It's only her in my mind.

Brad who?

"Uh hum." My teacher Ms.Boyle cleared her throat. "Why are you late, Ms.Jauregui?" She asks me again.

"I missed my ride, sorry." I say sincerely. I go sit down in my seat, this time Y/N isn't behind me. She's besides me.

"Hello." She greets me.

"H-Hi." Smooth Lauren.

"Why were you late?" She asks me.

"I just told the teacher." I stare at her.

"And now I want you to tell me." She smirks. Butterflies. That's what I feel right now.

"Dinah and Normani left me this morning." I huff.

"I would of picked you up."

"You would of been late too." I point out.

"Does it look like I care?" She scoffs, "I can never show up to this class and still pass with mastery."

"Right, I forgot you were an intimidating nerd." I tease her. She laughs, her laugh is everything. "That was beautiful." I speak suddenly.

"What?" She leans forward against the desk and leans down on her arm. Her right hand placed on her cheeks and temple. She looks at me for a moment, I try not to get lost in her stare again.

"Your laugh." I look down and away from her eyes. "You should always laugh, Y/N." I admit

"Thank you." She sounds pleased with my compliment.

"Okay class." Ms.Boyle grabs my attention.
Y/N on the other hand just keeps staring at me. I could tell from the corner of my eye.

A little smile spreads across her face before she finally faces the teacher. "It's not polite to stare." I whisper to her as I open my notebook.

"I'm not polite, darling." A smirk is plastered on her face.

I don't know what Y/N and I are doing but I like it. My stomach feels all weird and it's really hard to breathe. It feels good too, I want to feel like this for the rest of my life.

"I saw you this morning." She whispers to me, a hint of anger was in her voice.

"And you didn't offer me a ride?" I roll my eyes playfully.

"You were with with him." She says bitterly.


"Yes, him."

"You don't like him or something?" I chuckle. I look up and write the notes on the board. Y/N already wrote them down quickly. Too quick.

"I don't dislike anybody, Lauren." She says calmly, but her hands are in a fist. "I'm just not fond of him."

"Why not?"

"He likes you." She ignored my question. "Do you like him?" She turns her head in my direction.

"I don't know."

"I think you do."

"I don't."

"You do" she raises an eyebrow, "Do you like him, even a little?"

"I do like him, maybe." I tell her, she doesn't have a reaction though.

"That's cute." She mumbles. "You guys will make an ugly couple." She gets up and waits for the bell to ring.

She's the first one to leave.

That's the last time I saw her in a week.

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