pain Part 1

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I wanted to ask you , how you feel about me. but I never did because I knew that what you are going to say mind not be the words I wanted  to hear.

you still make me smile even though you are the reason why I am sad :(

and ever day I look at the window all I can think about is you , but then I remember there is no more us.

the only question I keep asking myself Is what did I do to you, was I not good enough for you?

I wish I could give him my pain, just for a moment not to hurt him

but to let him understand how much he has hurt me.

looking in the sky I can see your face, and I know right were I fit in.

you know that I will always love you right till the end.

what hurt the most is that things will never be the same.

and here I am slowly drifting away from everything I once claimed to love.

I don't know what is more tragic , that I keep looking for you wherever I go or that you 're never there.

and the worst part is seeing him with a other girl.

it was so real for me but clearly  love is just a game for me.

but at some point you have to realize that some people may stay in your heart not in your life.

I had a lot of reasons to give up, but I keep to stay,

you had a lot of reasons to stay but you choose to give up.

but I wish you told me from the start that you were gonna break my heart.

each night I put my head in the pillow I try to tell my self I'm strong because I have gone one more day without you.

it sucks when the only person who can make you feel better is also the reason why you always cry.

I gave you everything but still It wasn't good enough for you.

it hurt but its okay...I am used to it.

not happy, not sad , but empty.

 my only crime was loving you , and my punishment was the broken heart you gave me when you walked out of my life.

we enter the world alone, we life the world alone so it better to be alone.

man me and trust I'll trust you.

but in the end they are the one you shouldn't be trusted.

now it's back the way we started ... strangers.

she's broken

if I stopped breathing would you miss me.

if they asked you about me:

tell them she was the only person that loved me honesty , and I broke her.

you said you love me I said I loved you too the only different was I didn't lie to you.

my eyes are hurting

because I cant see you

my arms are empty

because I cant hold you.

my lips are could

because i cant kiss you

my heart is broken

because of you

I was not always heartless

but after you broke my heart

I start using my heart less.

in life we never lose friends

but we learn who the true ones are.

once they stop talking to you

they start talking about you.

don't fears the enemy

that attacks you

but the fake friends

that hugs you.

friends are like boobs

some are big some are small

some are real and some are fake.

bad friends hit you on the back

good friends hit you on the face.

what I don't understand is how people say lies about you but never feel bad about it.

if I treated you the way you treated me , you would have hate me.

I know we have been through hard times

but always remember that you will always be my best friend no matters what happens .

because you gave me what I needed in life when all my friends didn't .

and that my friend is true friend.

I always subscribe you like a star

because I cant see you but I know you are there when I get lost.

thank you for always being there for me.

don't promise me the moon or the stars promise me that you and I will stuck together under the moon and stars.

even though I have lost the love of my life.

with you being my best friend I have everything than just a life.

because you always make me smile when I forget my way back .

we may be not know our whole life stories but still you are the best friend I have ever had in my life .



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