Part 4

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You're always on my mind, day and night

When I think of you, all feels so right

Need to have you, need to hold you

And tell you that I love you.

My dear, I don't want to see us apart

This separation just tears away my heart

I miss you, oh, I really miss you

Will need you more and more each day

I know I cannot live without you

I miss you, more than words can say.

I remember how it used to be

when nothing else mattered but you and me

music, country roads, and future dreams.

I miss you, I wish you could see ...

Although you are here, I miss you and me.

I remember when you said how happy I made you

and you really meant it... but now,

it's just a phrase you say without thinking.

I miss those days when you'd call just to say "hi"

or "I love you"... the days it was so hard

just to say good-bye for a while.

I remember how wonderful it felt the first time

you held me in your arms and how after all those

years you still made my heart melt.

I miss the old you and the old me

The old us that could just sit and talk for hours

and never run out of things to say.

I remember when time simply stood still

when in each other's arms is the only place

we wanted to be... forever.

I miss us as I remember how it used to be ...

when nothing else mattered but you and me.

I'm sitting on the porch

Wind blowing through my hair

The ducks are frolicking in the pond

But I just can't seem to care.

Life goes on around me

I don't participate

I go through all the motions

But what I really do is wait.

I dream about the day

That you'll come home to me

Nothing else is important

Why can't people see?

I don't want to go out

I don't want to have fun

I don't want to do a thing

Until all is said and done.

They took you in the summer

Now fall is almost finished

Winter will be here very soon

And then the year will have diminished.

You have no idea how much I cry

I never let you know

It's so hard out here without you

But I'm not allowed to let it show.

I must pretend all is fine

Everyone thinks all's okay

But what I never ever tell them

Is that I cry for you every day.

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