The Worst Nightmare..

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Kat woke up at 12:00, there wasn't a clock in the room, but she guessed it was 12 O'clock. There was a sharp pain in her left leg, she looked down and there was a gaint cut. "Ugh fuck" Kat whispered in the dark room. Then suddenly, lights came on and once they did Kat tried to get up but she couldn't she was all tied up in ropes. "Look who finally woke up from there beauty sleeep?" Kat looked around a saw a.. creepy psyco path, with burned eyelids and a giant carve in his face. "J-J-Jeff?!" Kat questioned. "Yeah you better believe it, and I'm the one who sent your friend here to die" Jeff said with a smirk on his face. Here Kat though.... "WAIT I'M IN THE GAME?!" Kat screamed. "Yes you are Kat and soon you"ll be dead" Jeff replied. "How d-do you know my name?" Questioned Kat in fear. "Ugh I know everyone's name once they entered there name *giggles* Your friend Alika should never played the game"  Jeff said with a creepy smile on his face. "I KNOW THAT YOU LITTLE BITCH!!" Kat screamed. "Tsk tsk tsk is that how you really feel kitty?" Jeff said with his precious knife to Kat's neck. "Go...To..." before Jeff could finish, a boy with blonde hair, and wearing green walked in and said "Jeff.. who's this?" Ugh Jeff began "This is Kat, Ben." Ben.. Kat though, and then she remember who he is. "B-Ben Drowned" Kat troubled saying because Jeff still had his knife on her neck. "Jeff, take that off of her neck right now!" Ben yelled. Jeff paused for about one minute, "Fine..." Jeff pulls the knife away from Kat's neck. Ben started to untie her, Jeff got red "YOUR LETTING HER GO!!!?" He yelled. "Yes.. Ben paused... She doesn't deserve to die yet, she's only a teenager" Ben said still untieing Kat. "Your a teenager too!!" Jeff screamed. while Ben finished untieing Kat. "So are you Jeff" Ben commented, "And she doesn't deserve it after you sucked her best friend into this game along with... Ben stopped, Others" Ben said. "Others?" Kat said in a quiet voice trying to get. "Never mind that.. and over there is a exit door Kat." Ben said pointing to a door. As Kat turned back around at Ben and Jeff they were walking into a different door, that looked awfully different from the human door. Kat as thinking either to go into the human door, or the dooor they went through. Kat decided to use the exit, so she opened the door and she was sucked in a portal. After the crazy ride, Kat woke up on the couch. "What the..." Kat looked around insanely like if she never seen her living room before. Was that all... a dream? Kat thought then she looked at her left leg there was a gaint cut proving to herself it wasn't a dream. Kat looked at the clock, umm she looks harder. 12:45. Mom and Dad must be home, she said as she went up the stairs. "Mom,Dad" she said opening the door, "I just took a nap and I'm sorry for not saying hi... Mom? Dad?" No answer. Kat got worried, she turned on the lights. And nobody was in the bed, the bed was perfectly made, and..... on the bed was her Nintendo64... "MOM! DAD!" she yelled. As she took the Nintendo64 she saw her parents hanging on the wall, and their eyeballs weren't there, and a gaint cut through their stomach with candy filled in them. Kat was panicking thinking what sick person would do this? Then carnival music started came on and Kat heard insane laughing. Kat got red and said his name as if she was meeting her life long enemy one more..

Laughing... Jack...

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