Out With The Cops

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After a few weeks of Kat's family in the game, and hundreds of calls from the police, friends and her parents bosses wondering where they are, Kat had enough. "UGH I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT CANDY CIRCUS, KILLED MY PARENTS!!!" Kat yelled ferociously. She took the game out her Nintendo64 and threw it at the wall. The game broke broke into tiny pieces, Kat wondered how can a hard game break so easily? Kat shakes it off, and starts getting dressed for school again. Kat sighs. I hope nobody ask me happened, if I even try to tell them the truth, they'll think i've gone insane like Jeff the killer. Kat gets dressed and hops in her carand starts driving to school. Then Kat parks in front of the school. She walks to the front door but the door was covered with police tape, huh? She walks to the back of the school and there was a dozon police cars, and 24 cops interviewing the principle. "Everyone, everyone, I don't know what happened to the students, and the teachers, I think only a psycho path is the only reason who could of done this" The principle said. Psycho path? Kat thought. The principle started to speak once more. "I did see the killer.." a police opened up an note pad. "The killer had black hair, burnt eyelids and a psychotic carved smile in his cheek." The principle said. The sheriff of the town stepped up, "psychotic smile eh? The killer of my smile" The sheriff began. "Who are you?" The principle questioned. "I'm the sheriff ma'am, but call me Derrick, I have a name and my names not Sheriff, I'm not woody from Toy Story. Anyways, the psycho were dealing with here is, very, very dangerous." Derrick said. "Who is the killer Derrick?" Ask the principle, in curiostiy. Derrick took off his awesome sheriff glasses, "Who is this killer you ask, this killer name is Jeff, but most people call him Jeff the killer." Derrick said. Kat's face got deep red, thinking, Why does everyone hate me?!

The principle spoke again, "Jeff The Killer?" Well this Jeff is still in the school. Derrick pulled his radio out. "This is Sheriff Duncan I need all of my back up here on Maples High on 16 wall street pronto! Its code JTKA!!!" The Sheriff yelled. Then a quick two minutes passed, hundreds of police cars came up. Kat couldn't let them see her, they'll think she did this, so she opened the nearest window and jumped throught it. Inside was hundreds of teenagers murdered on the floor. This is horrible, said Kat as she holds her nose. Suddenly she hears insane laughing, and followed it. Curse my curiosity Kat thought. And she saw Jeff carving a smile into a boy's mouth. "HEY!!" Kat yelled in ferociously. Jeff looks up began to speak, "Hey your that bitch that Ben let go!" Kat got mad. "And your a Joker who cut a gaint wound in my leg." She said. Jeff got up holding his knife in his right hand. Kat began to speak nervously cause she could get killed in any second. "J-Jeff the cops are outside, you're going to get arrested." she said nerously. Jeff began to laugh, "Ah my favorite part of my kills" Jeff said with a smirk on his face. Kat got weirded out. Jeff jumped on the windows league, "you coming?" Jeff said. Kat was confused. "Go with you? Not in a mill-" Jeff cut her off "If you stay here you'll be suggested as a helper of my kills, and I always esacpe my kill." He said. When he finishes he places a square thing on the window seal and presses a botton, then starts running. Kat then realized it was a bomb then she starts running, then about a minute later it explodes and everyone runs where it exploded. Kat sees Jeff running to a window wide open and he jumps thought it, Kat did the same. Outside there was a white mustang, and he jumped in the drivers seat, "you coming kitty?" Kat got mad "Don't call me that!" The police saw Kat and the car and made a run for them. Kat got scared "OKAY!! OKAY!!" Kat yelled while jumping in the car. Jeff floors the car. The cops chased them, Jeff was driving as fast as a race car driving in a race. Kat thought. Then Jeff turned off the roads and into the woods. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GOING JEFF!!" Kat screamed. As Jeff  was heading towards a gaint rock. "I know what I'm doing" He said with a smile while he heads into the rocks while Kat was screaming her head off. As Jeff hot the rock they disappeared. The Sheriffs car parked in front of it not seeing anything that happened to the car or where they went. "Rats!" Yelled Derrick. "That psycho smiling killier lover will be caught if its the last damn thing I DO!!"  He yelled.

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