Chapter 5

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             I haven't seen Shawn all day so I guess he was with his family. It's 6 p.m now so I should probably get ready for the party. I presume Shawn is still coming. I really need his number for situations like this.

            I quickly shower before I begin the struggle of routing through my wardrobe searching for an outfit. Usually I'd just wear jeans, converse and whatever top came to hand first but I want to dress nicer because Shawn is coming. I think I'm starting to like him as more than a friend....

         With many clothes thrown onto my bed I finally decide on an outfit (in media). I do my makeup and sweep my hair to the side (top right in media but with her hair colour obviously) . By now it's about 7:40 p.m. so I just go into Paisley's room.

        "Hey" we greet each other. "You look nice! You got a date?" She smirks. "Nah. I'm going to Tommy's party with Shawn. " I explain. Tommy is a guy who lives down the road who randomly throws parties whenever he wants to get drunk. The parties are usually pretty fun though. "Oh. I'm not going until 10 or so. I'm having pre-drinks with Sarah." Paisley informs me.

          We talk until the doorbell rings. I jog down the stairs and answer it. "Hi Shawn!" I smile. "Hey Lexie. You ready?" He asks. "Yeah." I say grabbing my key off the sidetable in the hall. I subtly drop my key into my bra when Shawn isn't looking. What? I don't have pockets okay! And if I put the key in my shoe I might step on it and injure myself.

             "What were you doing at work today?" Shawn asks as we begin walking down the narrow, twisty country road with no footpaths. "I was cleaning the rooms of the people who checked out today. That's my job every Friday." I tell him. "What did you do today?" I ask. "We went to some Farmer's Market and then we went for dinner in a traditional pub." He laughs. "Was the pub like 20 -25 minutes away and really close to the Farmer's market?" I ask. He nods. "Ah yeah. I know the one. McCarthy's. Really nice family. I worked there for a few months." I ramble as I smile to myself.

               "So what happens at a typical Irish party?" Shawn asks curiously. "Well Tommy's, he's throwing tonight's, are usually pretty calm. It's mainly 70-80 people, sometimes less. Some people stay in the kitchen or the garden and chat. Others play games ; board games, truth or dare, so on, so on. Some people bring their hurls and puck around in the garden." I explain. "What's 'puck around'?" Shawn asks looking confused. "Pucking around is hitting a ball with a hurl from one person to another or in a group back and forth casually." I explain to try ease the confusion of the Canadian boy. He nods his head slowly in understanding.

              "Here we are!" I announce as we arrive at the long avenue to Tommy's house. Shawn and I begin to walk up to where the party is.


          Chapter in honour of Illuminate!

     My thoughts on Illuminate?


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