Chapter 6

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"Do you want a drink?" I ask Shawn. "Yes please. What is there?" He replies over the music. "7up, Coke, Fanta, Vodka, Bacardi, Orchard Thieves, Carlsberg, Guinness, Heineken and Bulmers" I list off all the drinks I see. "Erm..... I've heard Guinness is pretty good. I guess I'll take some of that please." He says unsure of his decision. I hand him a can of Guinness and a glass before pouring myself a glass of Carlsberg.

"What do you think of Guinness?" I ask. "It's good. I like this. What are you drinking?" He enquires curiously. "Carlsberg. It's a beer. I, unlike a lot of girls, will choose beer over pretty drinks. I prefer the taste." I inform him.

Shawn and I decide to go and talk to a few of my friends out in the backyard. There was 3 of my guy friends, Tony, Adam and Daniel and their girlfriends, Eliza, Karen and Eve. "Well lads!" I laugh as I walk over to them. "Hey Lexie!" They all greet me. Daniel comes over and embraces me in a hug. We have a very close friendship. We view each other more like siblings.

"Who's this?" He asks gesturing towards Shawn. "This is Shawn. He's Canadian. I met him at work." I explain. "Shawn this is Eliza, Eve, Karen, Tony, Adam and Daniel. Danny is like a brother to me." I explain. "Hey" Shawn smiles shyly.

"Are ye dating?" Danny asks with a stone cold glare directed at Shawn. "No we aren't Danny" I frown up at him as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Fucking?" He asks now looking between Shawn and I. "No! Danny stop! We're just friends." I hit him in the chest. "Okay. Okay. I'll stop. Just trying to protect my little sis!" He smiles at me before picking up his hurl that was resting against the wall.

"Don't mind Danny. He likes to play the protective brother role. He's harmless really." Eliza, Danny's girlfriend, tells Shawn. "Hey Shawn want us to teach you how to play hurling?" Tony offers. "Sure!" Shawn walks over to the boys.

"Karen can you hold my drink?" I hand her my drink and pull myself up to sit on the 6ft garden wall the girls are on. "Oh my god! How did ye get up here?! No offence but I'm stronger than you all and I struggled slightly." I laugh as I sit on the wall. "Non taken miss ex boxer! And we got the guys to help us up." Eve laughs. "That was smart." I mentally face palm.

"Why don't you go back boxing?" Eliza asks me. "You know why I ended it. I can't go back after that." I say grimacing at the memory.

We all go in after a while to get more drinks. By this stage a lot of people inside are quite drunk. One girl stumbles up to Shawn and leans on him to steady herself. "I know you from somewhere! Where do I know you from?" She slurs. Shawn looks very uncomfortable. "I don't know." He replies quickly. "Was it school? Did I sleep with you?! Is that where I know you from?!" She questions. Shawn gets saved from the awkwardness by Tommy walking into the kitchen.

"OKAY! THAT'S IT EVERYONE OUT! SOMEONE THREW UP IN MY BED AND MY NEIGHBOURS THREATENED TO CALL THE GUARDS!" Tommy shouts. Everyone starts groaning and beginning to clear out of the house. Tommy is captain of the county's hurling team so everybody has too much respect for him to go against his wishes. He can't drink because he plays for the county but he still throws party's for everyone else. He just stays sober so we all owe it to him to at least leave when he wants.

As Shawn and I walk back to my house I ask him why he got so uncomfortable about the girl thinking she knew him. "I just really don't like drunk people." He says. I feel like he isn't telling me the truth but I don't push it any further.

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