Chapter 2

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 Chapter 2

   Being that I am a Christian, I knew that since I had died that I was about to see God face to face to be judged and told if I made it to Heaven or Hell. As I began walking toward the Pearly Gates I saw St. Peter watching the Gate. I was able to see through the Gate and I saw people that I thought I recognized from history books. I saw Corrie ten Boom, Moses, Christopher Colombus, even John the Baptist. I thought this was amazing!

   Then the archangel Michael came to me and said, "Come with me, for you are soon to be judged by the King."

   I couldn't believe it. I was about to see my God and look Him in the eye! I was both exstatic and incredibly nervous. I walked on what I had noticed to be a solid gold road. The sky was a perfect brightness, not too bright but not too dim. However there was no sun. This was probably because Jesus was the sourse of light in Heaven. The atmosphere made me feel safe, yet guilty, for I had not yet become one of the Heavenly beings since I had not been judged. Then I wondered if I ever would become one of them. Will I reside in Heaven at the feet of my Lord for eternity, or has my life not been pleasing enough to Him and I will be condemned to eternal fire and flame? This started to make me very anxious.

   Finally we stopped walking and Michael told me to wait and he went ahead before me. I stood there looking around and impatiently waited for what would happen next. Then Michael came back with a look on his face that put me at even more of an unrest. He looked at me like he wasn't sure what he was looking at, which confused me.

   "Come with me, for He is ready to see you."

   So I followed him into a building which was the largest building I had ever seen, and was the largest in Heaven. The walls were solid gold, the door handles were made of diamond, and there were scarlet and purple curtains hanging from the wall. It was so incredibly majestic that I had to stop and look in awe. However Michael told me to hurry saying, "Do not keep the Master waiting."

   We continued father into this building when I realized that this large structure was all one room! After more analysis I discovered that it was a throne room. At the end of the room was a massive throne made of gold with scarlet cushioning. Beside the throne was a Book, at my guess it was the Lambs Book of Life. To my suprise, the throne was empty. I looked at Michael and he gave me a look that signaled to just wait a minute.

   I stared at the throne for a few more seconds when suddenly a light appeared at the seat. My eyes grew bigger due to excitement and the fact that the light was very bright. The light grew bigger and bigger until I had to shield my eyes since the light covered the whole room. When the light had stopped I looked back at the throne and saw Him. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords sitting right in front of me. He looked like he was a large, muscular man in his fifties with grey hair and a long grey beard. However we know that He has no age, as He created time. He had eyes that showed wisdom and experience.

   I ran up to Him and bowed at His feet saying, "God! Have mercy upon me! I know I could have been better, but I'm sorry," I said weeping.

   "Stand up Alan," He said in a deep, rumbling voice, "for I shall show you your fate based on this Book." As He said this He picked up the Lambs Book of Life. He flipped through the pages and I could tell that He had found me by the look on His face and the point of His finger.

   "Am I going to Heaven or Hell?" I asked very nervously.

   "Neither." He said. I stood there with my mouth wide open. How can you go to neither Heaven nor Hell when you die?!

   "Excuse me?" I asked.

   He replied, "You are not in the section of the Book that says Heaven or Hell. You are in the section that is labled 'Requires Testing'"

   I stood there with a puzzled look on my face, my mouth crooked and one eye raised higher than the other. I didn't even say anything because I decided I would just let Him explain since I couldn't figure out what I should have said at that point.

   He could tell I was waiting and laughed at the look on my face. "This means that before I can let you into My Kingdom, you must undergo a few tests. Your life on Earth pleased Me in some ways, but your last few months of life troubled me. You seemed very uphappy and I was not pleased with this. You did not seem to value your life on Earth as much as you should have. I want you to appreciate the life you had, so you will go through trials."

   "What kind of trials?" I asked Him, feeling very uneasy at the fact that I was about to be tested by God Himself.

   "You will be tested in three different ways. The first you will be tested by death, so you will learn how valuable life really is. Then you will be tested by unrest, as we will put you back in your previous life on Earth but cause things to turn to chaos so you will learn to appreciate your surroundings. Finally, we will test you with abundant blessings, so you will learn why I gave you exactly what was given to you."

   "Sounds like something I can handle. Just tell me how to start."

   "You will not do this alone though, for we never leave a child to be tested without help. We will send you one of our angels, she is both beautiful and intelligent and will greatly help you in your trials. She is a great companion to anyone she is with."

   Soon after He said this He motioned to the archangel Gabrial to bring in the angel. He brings her in and I see the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. Gorgeous eyes, flawless face, contagious smile, beautiful hair, and stood with a body to match the beauty of her face.

   "Her name is Yafeh," God stated, "she will be the one to help you. She can only be seen, heard, and felt by you." I'm pretty sure God could tell I was happy with His choice in the angel by the way I stood staring at her.

   "Hi," said Yafeh with a hyper sounding voice, "I hope I can be of help to you."

   I looked at God and said, "Thank you...," barely able to collect my thoughts since I was mezmorized by this angel.

   He grinned and looked at me and said, "She is a Heavenly being, so treat her as such. She can report to me whenever she feels necessary. I will not act upon your trials beyond what I previously stated unless Yafeh asks Me too. She can ask Me to make it easier or harder on you."

   I looked at her in both awe and fear, like when you see a tiger in the jungle, but then a panther comes as well and you don't know if you should be thankful that it will help you, or scared that it will help the tiger.

   "Good luck to you My son," said God. Then He looked at Yafeh and said, "You may now take him. You know what to do."

   "Well, lets go." Yafeh said, grabbing my hand and running me out the door. We ran behind the building where I could see that the ground had ended into a drop. She was running full speed toward the drop!

   "What are you doing?! There's a drop!"

   "Exactly," she smiled, "and that's we're going, or falling I should say."

   "What?!" I started to freak out, but she had made a beeline toward the drop and was still pulling my hand. We kept running when we got to the drop she jumped and dragged me down with her. We started falling and then everything started so dissolve then reevolve into a different state....

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