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A/N: Hey, guys! Back with another fic! One-Shot!!! Malec, again. A little sad. takes place years and years after Alec dies. So if you don't like bitter-sweet sadness, don't read!!!! Let me know what you think. Review! Thank you. Enjoy!

**All characters and The Mortal Instruments belongs to Cassandra Clare!!**

Song: A Thousand Years, by Christina Perri (lyrics will be in parenthesis()) I suggest to listen to during.

I sit in one of the couches the Institute's library, bored out of my mind. I know that demon levels have been on the rise lately, and it's my duty as the High Warlock to help, but all of my tracking spells have not worked. But I have to admit, that's not the only reason I help for free. I look up to glance at the people in the room. These are the decendants of my friends, the best shadowhunters in history. With careful examination, I can see the similarities. My gaze finally sets on the young girl sitting on the sill of the window, her mind engulfed into a book. Her hair is auburn, her skin pale as the moonlight, beautiful, like her parents before her. She still has the most beautiful eyes in the world, curtousy of her great-great-great-great grandfather. Her name is Eliha Lightwood, current decendant of the Lightwood name. I glance down to my left hand, looking at the silver wedding ring on my fourth finger. Memories start flooding my mind. I smile, fondly remembering everything. The first time I met him at that party so long ago. The secret meet ups. The kiss in the accords hall. Coming out to everyone, risking his life as a shadowhunter, just so I could be happy. We could be happy. Together.

(One step closer)

Being happy together. Getting through the rough patches of our relationship, no matter how bumpy. Finally getting married.

(All along I believed I would find you 

Time has brought your heart to me)

"I do.", said the young shadowhunter, a cheesy grin on his face. "I do.", said the Warlock, who could also not stop smiling with anticipation. Finally, Alec wrapped his arms around Magnus' neck, and Magnus' arms around Alec' s waist. The kiss was filled with passion and love. They where in their own little world where nothing could make them any less happy. They finally pulled away from each other, noticing the wild cheers of their loved ones in the crowd. They we're finally happy. Married. Bonded in a way that they were with no one else. The two grooms smiled at each other with love, and began to walk back down the aisle together. To start a life together, in which many adventures await.

(I have loved you for a thousand years 

I'll love you for a thousand more)

Having a life together. My smile shifted into a frown. Him aging. Getting older, while I stay young. Forever. Despite everything that's happened in my life, I wouldn't have given up being with my soul mate for the world. Even if that time was terribly short. It's been so long since I've seen the deep pools of a thousand blues that were his eyes. Maybe that's why I stick around the Institute. Why I stay. To have something familiar to cling on to. Evidence of my past life. Something besides my ring to remind me of the love of my life. Yes. I promised Alexander I would watch over his family, as long as I lived. Help them out whenever help was needed. Heal them when injured. Be there when they needed someone's shoulder to cry on, or someone to talk to. Be their guardian angel. It helps with the pain of longing and sadness, watching over each generation. It gives my life a purpose. I also kept my promise to him that he would be the last. After him, there would be nobody. Before Alec, I would have moved somewhere new, and start again, forgetting the memories that hurt to remember. But with Alexander, it was different. The love I felt for him, I have never felt for anyone else before. Never willing to be committed to someone before. I am still, and have been for over 200 years, completely loyal to my husband. I can remember the last words I ever said to the blue-eyed shadowhunter.

(I have died everyday waiting for you)

"Magnus", Alec croaked, trying to speak, but feeling to weak. 

"Shhh. Darling. Don't speak.", Magnus whispered, trying to comfort the dying man. 

When Alec started to breath more heavily, Magnus said, "Remember. You are not trivial. There will not be a next time, Alexander. You are my soul mate, and nothing will ever change that. I love you." 

Unable to talk, Alec mouthed, "I love you." The hand Magnus was holding went slack. Magnus placed a light kiss on the man's forehead. Those we're the last words Alexander Lightwood ever spoke.

(Darling don't be afraid 

I have loved you for a thousand years 

I'll love you for a thousand more)

I am, if anything, a man of my word. Even though he may be dead, he will forever be my blue-eyed shadowhunter, my boyfriend, my husband, my one true love. Alec will be alive in my heart forever. And he will continue to be in my heart for as long as I live.


A/N: Sooooooo.....yea. Sorry about that. Writing this made me tear up. ;) Hope you enjoyed it at least? I usually don't like angst, but once in a while is ok. Happy Thanksgiving, btw!!!!! I'm thankful for all the wonderful people in my life, including you guys!!! Love you!!! Till next time!!!

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