Part 1

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Killian gathered his son's belongings, carrying them to the car before he grabbed Liam and strapped him into his car seat. The little lad was all smiles, bouncing up and down as Killian handed him his stuffed giraffe and dropped a kiss to his head.

His heart was a mixture of emotions as he got into the driver's seat and buckled up. He was glad that Liam was unaware that his parents were getting a divorce and was as happy as could be. Although, when he dropped him off at Charming Heart's Daycare for the first time, Liam would surely miss his parents. Milah had always been a stay-at-home mother, because she told him that was what she preferred. Apparently she felt differently, though, and never bothered to tell him. She felt the need to withhold many other things from him as well. For example, she never bothered to tell him that she had been having an affair for six months. He had to find out himself when he walked in to their bedroom and found her in bed with another man.

He let out a heavy sigh as he drove in heavy traffic through Boston and looked at the digital clock below his dashboard that read 8:30. This was definitely going to be a long morning. As he waited at a red light, he took the opportunity to check his gps, finding out that it wasn't too much further. He had never been to the daycare before but it was recommended by his friend, Robin, whose son had been going their since he was a baby, so Killian knew he could trust the facility.

When he finally pulled into the parking lot, it was crowded, but he managed to find a couple of open spots. He parked the car and got out, freeing Liam from his car seat and grabbed his diaper bag, locking the car doors behind him.

Emma was running late. She slept through her alarm and had to rush to get ready and take Henry to daycare before she could make the ten-mile drive to work in heavy traffic. It was not a good day, and given the fact that her marriage had gone down the tubes, it wasn't even a good year. It turned out, a cheating husband getting caught in the act, had that kind of effect on a marriage.

When she pulled in front of the daycare center, she got out and walked around to the backseat door, unstrapping her one-year old son from his car-seat. He gave her a big smile, green eyes bright, as he held his arms out for her.


She managed a smile as she picked him up, pressing a gentle kiss to the small patch of curly, brown hair on top of his head. She was glad that at least Henry was happy and completely unaware of what had transpired between his parents. She never wanted this for him. She never wanted her baby to live in a broken home. It just wasn't fair.

Holding him securely to her chest, she ducked inside the car to grab the diaper bag and Henry's blankey that he couldn't live without. She knocked his stuffed teddy bear out of the seat and onto the pavement in the process. Letting out a frustrated sigh, she tried to maneuver her way down, which was not a small feat in a black, pencil skirt with her hands full and shoulder strapped with the diaper bag.

"Let me get that for you, love."

She was startled by a deep, British accent as she saw a hand reach for the teddy. When she looked up, her green eyes met a brilliant shade of blue as he handed her the stuffed animal. Standing in front of her was a man... a very handsome man with dark hair and light stubble on his chin. He was dressed in a dark blue suit and tie and his hair was disheveled, like he just gotten out of bed, but somehow still managed to look picture perfect  And then there was his smile, making her melt on the spot. It wasn't a smug or arrogant smile, it was the smile of a broken man. Broken like her, perhaps? She pondered that thought as she realized she had been staring for far too long. She also realized that he too was carrying a baby in his arms, who, by the looks of him, she figured was around Henry's age. And she was certain that the baby was this man's son because he had the same pair of blue eyes and the same dark hair on his head. He was also extremely adorable, so clearly he got his looks from his father.

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