Part 7

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After Killian dropped Emma off, his mind was reeling nonstop. It was just a school dance, but the evening had been magical and he couldn't even imagine what their date on Saturday would be like. He had cursed himself for making it a week later but he wanted it to be special and something unforgettable. Thinking back to their other 'dates'; their lunch at Granny's, the stroll through the park, the night they went to the movies and of course their dance, he racked his brain, trying to come up with something different. He debated how far he should go, fearing that she would think he was just trying to impress her, but that was not the case. He wanted to give her everything she had missed out on when she was with Neal and a simple dinner just wouldn't do. Searching online for ideas of what they could do, he recalled some of the things he knew about her. He thought about the things she told him about her childhood and her interests. After he came up with some possibilities, it finally clicked. He thought of the perfect thing they could do on their first official date as a couple and would set out to make the arrangements the next day.

There was one thing he didn't take into account, however. When he asked her to go on a date Saturday, he had forgotten that he was supposed to have Liam that day and there was no way he would give up one of his days to Milah. Three days without his son was hard enough as it was. He decided that he was going to rectify that. He wanted to spend more time with his son and the only way to do that was to demand it. He was tired of being the nice guy to Milah when he was the one who was wronged. He was tired of giving her everything he had.


The next morning, Emma became extremely anxious for more reasons than one. First of all, she needed to get her son. She even got there to Neal's apartment two hours earlier than she said she would. When she reached the door, Neal poked his head out, surprised to see her there.

"Emma? You're early."

She eyed him suspiciously, knowing he was trying to hide something. She knew that look far to well. That thing he did with his eyes when he was afraid she was onto him. He would blink a few too many times and gave her that fake puppy-dog stare.

"I need to take my son home, now," she demanded in a firm and irritated tone. She was not about to put up with his antics today. Not when her son was on the other side of the door.

"You mean our son?"

"There is no our, Neal. Not anymore. Now, get out of my way."

He spoke to argue but she shoved the door open, starting to guess why he would be hesitant to let her in. And sure enough, she was right. Tamara was there holding Henry in her arms.

Emma's blood started to boil inside as she marched up to her and grabbed her son from Tamara's hands.

"Neal, what the was the one thing I asked you not to do?"

"Emma. It's not what you think. He wouldn't stop crying, so I called her for help."

Emma cradled Henry in her arms, steam practically shooting from her ears.

"Oh and you didn't to call his mother? I told you if anything went wrong to call me," she said, her voice getting louder.

"It was late. I didn't want to bother you."

"Oh, now you care about my feelings?! Now you give a damn about about me?! You expect me believe that? Honestly, how dumb do you think I am?" Emma gathered Henry's things and started towards the door.

Neal grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Don't you put one hand on me or I'll make sure you never see my son again," she spoke quietly but coldly.

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