Professor Pathetic

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Things have only gotten worse since the supermodel was known to be here in New York. School was almost intolerable at this point, and so as soon as the banshee-like wails of girls stampeding toward the last sighting of the model began at the end of school, I was already in my sanctuary, the public library.

"I haven't even got to see him yet!" A girl sniffled just inside the door as I pushed it open. I faintly recognized her beautiful butterfly pin, recently glued back together. Oh. Lady Flutter. Right.

Ms. Lilly, bless her heart, put a comforting hand on the girls shoulder. She caught my eye and nodded to the front desk. The message was clear. Run the front desk while I take care of this?

I nodded and moved to the small check-in desk. It took a minute for things to fill in after school, so I pulled out my book and waiting for the eventual flood. It was a Science Fiction novel called Game Over. It was about a girl who got sucked into a video game, and it was quite entertaining.

I started as I heard the sounds of tons of voices and feet. I looked up from my book, which was staring to get quite intense and saw the girl was gone, and Ms. Lily was at her desk preparing for the rush and sorting some new books.

"Any good books come in recently?" I walked  closer to her desk to get a peek at some of the books.

"There was something that I thought you might like," she shuffled around some of the books in order to get to the lost and found. From it she pulled a little hand bound book titled The New Superheroes of New York.

The artwork (and most of the words) looked hand drawn, and kind of messy. In a charming way.

"I think it was left here by a student. It's about that new group of superheroes. You know the ones that the media is flying off the handle about since they stopped a super villain in Central Park. You know, Nebula, Yizhi, Volaille, and it's full of theories on their age and what school they go to and who they might be. Most of it is utter garbage, but some of it might hold its own weight."

She shrugged and handed the book to me. I looked across the cover, seeing the fairly well drawn faces of my super friends and myself.

It was so weird staring down at this book about me and two other girls I fought crime with. People actually theorized about who I am? Already? We're in New York, weirder things happen on a day to day basis than superheroes right?

"Hey, Izzie right?" A boy I recognized from my math class, I think is name was Jace, waved from the A-E section in the Fiction, pulling my attention from the book. "Do you know where I can find The Scarlet Pimpernel? I need to read it for the required book this semester."

"Sure, just give me a second." I turned to Ms. Lilly. "Can I borrow this? I'll make sure it's back by tomorrow at the latest."

Ms. Lilly laughed "You're captivated by these superheroes too huh?"

I laughed "A bit." You have no idea Ms. Lilly.

I delicately slipped the hand bound book into my bag, promising myself to read it later.

"Okay, so your looking for The Scarlet Pimpernel, right?" I walked over to where he was standing awkwardly between the rows.

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