Lady Flutter

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Seconds after school ends, my pocket buzzed softly. With an internal groan, I pulled it out, knowing it was a text from my mom.
'How was your day at school? Are you headed off to the library today?'

I rolled my eyes, I go to the library every day after school, why would today be any different because a supermodel is here?
'Yes, Mom, I'm heading to the library.'

Another buzz. 'Ok! Be home by dinner!'

As soon as the text came through I clicked my phone off, not wanting to deal with my chatty but wonderful mom at the moment.

Usually, I would have been video chatting with November and Margo, my best friends, but if I didn't reply or at least read my mom's texts within a minute of her texting, then I would never hear the end of it. Plus I had quite a bit of math homework to take care of, and chatting often meant no homework got done.

Out of reflex, I clicked on the app we use to chat each other and scanned for our group. No one's on yet, weird. Slipping my phone back into my pocket, I entered my place of sanctuary, the public library.

"Hey! Don't stick gum there! Ow! Who threw this book? No food near the shelves!" The librarian, Ms. Lilly, was running around trying to contain a group of first graders who shouldn't be allowed within a five mile radius of my sanctuary of peace.

Piles of picture books were strewn across the desks and the floor, along with crumbs. So many crumbs. It looked like someone had taken a box of crackers, pulverized the contents, and then spread the dust around like a flower girl at a wedding.

"Hey, Ms. Lilly!" I waved towards the frantic librarian, who was currently wrestling a brand new copy of The Little Prince out of the hands of one of the little crumb demons.

"What do you want me to do today?" Even though I wasn't an official intern, she still let me help out in exchange for a nice private place to study (the staff broom closet).

"Ugh. Sorry, Izzie. These little monsters have kept me busy, but not busy enough to have anything for you to do." She nodded over to the empty shoving cart (a rarity even on good days), and the clean counters and space.


I jumped as Ms. Lily began to yell at a small boy with extremely fluffy hair trying to hide behind a shelf. "Timmothy! What did I say about snacks near the books?!" She ran off to go stop the first grader from eating Teddie Grams over a copy of  The Cat in the Hat.

"Well, best of luck with the little beasties!" I gave a quick wave behind me and firmly closed the library door. Well, no den of solitude today. Guess nature will have to do.

With another sigh, I adjusted my backpack and started to walk toward Central Park. The streets were busy, and full of noise, but it would be strange if they weren't. New York was never quiet, especially the island.

Maybe I'll run into November, she usually does her homework over by Strawberry Fields. When we worked as a group we preferred to do our homework out in the Princess Terrace if we could since it's so close to the lake, and has such a beautiful view of the park (as well as having shade).

Within a few minutes, the beautiful trees of Central Park were over my head and I was in the calming, almost surreal environment of being surrounded by city and yet in nature at the same time.

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