The Rescue

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She was your average prisoner  Anthea, getting dragged place to place, little to no food. Captured by the Soviets. They kept asking about this group she never heard of, Diamond Dogs. No matter how much she said she knew nothing, they kept doing ehat they did. They just stopped at a small shack big enough to hold one person, her, and are resting. It was night fall and soon she heard a body fell and she looked at the door. Soon Anthea's door opened and a figure stood in the door, "Lets go." Some man said. His voice deep and ragged She looked at the figure in the door, his hair  was up in a very small ponytail, scars covered his face, and he wore an eyepatch on his right eye. "Who are you." Anthea's voice cracked from lack of water. "Later, a helicopter is on it's way, lets go." The man replied before walking away, she followed him. After about five minutes they stopped. After about another two minutes a helicopter showed up and landed, the man hopped in and offered Anthea a hand, she took it thankfully, and weakly pulled herself in. She looked around and saw a dog sitting, which the man sat across from, and the pilot. She looked at the man who nodded towards a seat. And she sat down. She forced herself to stay awake, she hadn't had any decent sleep since she's been captured. She leaned her head back and started dozing off. Before falling asleep completly. Anthea felt a jerk and she jerked awake and saw that they landed, the man opened the door and jumped out, she followed behind him. When she jumped out and she looked around and she heard a crutch and she stoped, her back turned towards the sound.

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