Chapter 7: Not a Dream

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When Wendy woke up that morning, she almost believed everything that happened last night was all a dream. But the needle and thread on her night stand confirmed that it was real. With that happy thought in mind, she flew through her morning routine. She couldn't keep the smile off her face when she thought about Peter. Her mother asked if everything was alright at breakfast. When Wendy didn't respond, John pinched her. Even her brothers tormenting her, couldn't force the lovely sparkle from her eyes.

School was more tolerable that morning. In dance class the matron commented that for once, Wendy was dancing on air instead of tromping though a jungle. It was true though, Wendy felt so light that she could fly away at the slightest hint of a breeze. The rest of the classes flew by in a flurry of daydreams, that is, until her last class.

Wendy bounced up and down in her seat impatiently waiting for the matron to dismiss them from their last class of the day. Frustrated she tapped her pencil against her notebook earning several annoyed looks from the young ladies around her. Seconds turned into hours, minutes to days, and hours were years.

Finally the matron allowed the class to leave. Wendy raced out of the classroom faster than any proper young lady should. She hurried down to where her brothers' classrooms were. Hair flying in the wind. Ribbon coming undone. And she didn't have a care in the world. Peter Pan was coming tonight!


Wendy was almost more excited for story time than Michael and John were. Knowing that she had an audience this time made her flustered and breathless. It also made her story seem a bit more magical and adventurous. She finished the story of Cinderella, and adding her own flare. After the Prince and Cinderella where married they decided to travel the seas instead of rule the kingdom. They became known as the Glass Maiden and her Prince, the most daring of adventurers.

After the story was over, Wendy beamed her dazzling smile and curtsied to her brothers' loud applause. Casting a sideways glance out the window her heart gave a little pitter-patter and she gave a secretive smile hoping Peter liked it too.

It took longer than normal to get her brothers to bed. They wanted an encore. Wendy told them that they had had enough adventure for one night. It was time for bed. Finally, after quite a bit of convincing, they lay down and slowly drifted off to sleep.

After Wendy's mother turned off the night light she eagerly climbed onto the window seat to wait for her special visitor.

She pulled up her knees to her chest and rested her cheek on them. She dreamily gazed into the streets of London; watching the glow of the gas street lamps cast a warm glow in the dark. The night air was cool and she could feel the chill through the window pane. She waited for what seemed like hours. But Peter still hadn't shown up.

With a sigh Wendy turned and looked into the nursery to where her brothers lay sound asleep. Michael was curled up with his teddy and sucking his thumb and Wendy noticed that John had fallen asleep with his glasses on again.

With a sisterly smile she got up from the window seat. Mother would never forgive him if he broke them while sleeping. She gently maneuvered them off his face and set them down on his night stand. Wendy brushed his hair back from his eyes and tucked the comforter in tighter. She admitted that out of the two brothers, John was the one that was hardest to get along with. They could either be the best of friends, or the worst of enemies. Looking at his sleeping form, Wendy smile; he was still her little brother and she still loved him.

A sudden burst of cool air swirled around Wendy's ankles, fluttering her nightdress. She shivered in the cold breeze, goose bumps forming on her skin. She rubbed her arms trying to get them warm. . Why was it so cold? She realized she must have left the window open and moved to close it.

Wait! Wendy paused. The window was closed when she went to tuck in her brothers! But then how could it be...

The voice that answered her silent question made her heart flutter.

"Hullo Wendy."


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