Introductions and Interrogations

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Hook and Smee waited on the beach near the long boats for the return of their crew.

"How much longer am I to wait Mr. Smee?" Hook drawled.

"Nnnot much longer now Cap'n." Smee stuttered.

"I'd consider myself to be a patient man, Mr. Smee, but patience is a virtue, and one I lack. Do I make myself clear Mr. Smee?"

"Y...yes Cap'n."

Hook toyed with his gun to show his point. Smee anxiously scanned the tree line for any sign of the crew. Abruptly two crew members charged out of the trees struggling to carry a very uncooperative captive.

"We've found her! We've found her!" Cecco boasted bravely.

Hook smiled with delight! His plan was coming along wonderfully well. But as the crew reached the long boats, Hook noticed that the captive was not the Indian Princess. For one, the princess did not have startlingly blue eyes. No one on this island did, except for himself of course.

Hook watched in interest as the captive girl struggled and bit Noodler's hand.

"OUCH!" he cried, dropping his hold on the girl's mouth. Hook raised an eyebrow. She certainly had spirit. Cecco threw the girl in front of Hook.

"I am NOT Tiger Lilly! I keep telling you that I am not her!" The girl insisted her attention still on her two captors.

"No, no indeed you are not." Hook said, drawing the girl's attention to him. The girl gave a small gasp, barley audible. Hook studied the girl. The girl was covered in... soot? Head to toe her features were blackened by the dirt. All except for her eyes. The stunning blue irises shown in recognition, but he'd swore he'd never seen the girl.

The girl got over her initial shock and schooled her face into a mask of defiance. Hook raised an eyebrow. Brave, this one. She knows me yet shows no fear. How interesting, not even his crew was that brave.

"And may I be so bold in saying a thousand apologies madam." Hook crooned, sweeping into a low bow.

The girl just stared at him.

"My men," Hook continued reaching for his gun. "They are but simple creatures. And I fear that they have mistaken you for one Princess Tiger Lilly, though you clearly are not. You were merely in the wrong place at the wrong time." Hook glared at Cecco and fired his gun.

The girl jumped when the body hit the sand.

"Again my apologies, good help is so hard to find." Hook studied the girl; there was an air of familiarity about her. This intrigued the captain. He leaned into another bow.

"Allow me to introduce myself, Captain Ja..."

"Captain James Hook." The girl interrupted.

Mildly surprised Hook straightened up. "...At your service. But I fear you are at an advantage, for I know we have not had the pleasure of meeting, yet you know who I am and I am left without a clue as to your identity. Pray tell, what is your name?"

Wendy stared at Hook. This was not who she had come to expect. She knew the bloodthirsty, fearsome, pirate that Pete had told her about. But this Hook was all manners and gentility.

Wendy could not help but gaze into his cornflower blue eyes with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. Seeing nothing sinister she gave a small curtsy.

"My name is We..."

A loud WHOOP! Interrupted Wendy. Turning back towards the trees the rest of Hook's crew came spilling out. A poor captured Tiger Lilly on the shoulder of Billy Jukes.

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