The Fairy Returns

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Wendy stretched lazily and blinked awake. Recalling last night's strange events, she blushed. First she and Peter had fought about feelings and love. Then no more than a few hours later, Peter had woken her up holding her hand and crying. Wendy was startled by the sight of Peter Pan crying, but she had done what any motherly figure would do. She offered comfort, which ended up in Wendy falling asleep in Peter's arms. She smiled; she had felt so safe and so happy.

She noticed that Peter was long gone, where he lay now cold. She blushed again. She was partially glad that Peter was not here this morning. It wouldn't be proper! But a traitorous part of her wished... She quickly scolded herself for thinking such things. It simply was not ladylike!

Wendy sighed. There was still something troubling her. What had made Peter so upset? He mumbled something about losing her, but she hadn't been able to ask what he meant. Wendy was roused from her thoughts by a loud commotion outside her room. Dragging herself from the warmth of her bed, she smoothed the snarls in her hair and went to see what all the fuss was about.

The boys were all gathered around something, she couldn't tell what. Wendy spied Peter and felt the heat rise in her cheeks. Sucking in a deep breath she went to join them.

"Good morning Peter," Wendy said demurely.

Without looking away from what was in the center of the circle, Peter replied, "Morning."

Wendy's brow creased. Odd. She thought.

Michael suddenly realized that his sister had joined them, and eager to share burst out. "Mother look! It's a pixie! A real live pixie with wings and everything!"

Wendy was curious and leaned in to see. Sure enough there was a fairy in the center of the group tinkling animatedly with her hands. The pixie was none other than the infamous Tinkerbell.

Tinkerbell turned around and let out a surprised chime. Then scrunching up her face she let out a string of unpleasant sounds. The boys all laughed.

Wendy confused turned to Peter, "What did she say?"

"She said 'look what the cat dragged in, a big ugly Wendy bird.'" Peter laughed.

"Oh, well that wasn't very polite."

Peter just shrugged and turned back to Tink.

"So Tink, Where ya been? It's been ages since you've gone on any adventures with us!" Nibs asked.

Tink chimed away as the boys listened enthralled. Wendy frowned, not being able to understand what the fairy said. Finally Wendy gave up and went into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

Tink continued to talk all through breakfast, holding the boys' attention. Wendy wasn't able to get a word in edgewise, let alone ask Peter what had happened last night. She sighed and started to clean up the mess the boys had made. She was glad for Peter that his fairy was back, but she couldn't help but think it meant trouble.

"So Peter what training will we be doing today?" John asked, hopeful that it would be more strategy.

"Today we will focus on sword fighting. And I'll be teaching, since I am the best!" Peter claimed with pride. The boys all rolled their eyes, but they couldn't disagree.

"Alright! I want everyone to pair up with someone of the same height, that way it will be fair." Peter instructed. Michael and Tootles paired up. The Twins were an obvious match. Then Nibs and Cubby, Slightly and John. This left Wendy standing off by herself.

Peter rubbed the back of his neck, Wendy needed a partner and he was the only one left. Tink saw this and gave Peter a warning chime. When Peter found Tink, he explained the situation with Wendy and Tinkerbell was more than happy to help him keep his resolve to stay away from the girl.

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