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"I REGRET MY LIFE!" Michael shrieked, hiding his face in a pillow. His friends chuckled at his reaction. The teenage boy could barely watch 'American Horror Story' without being paranoid.

Luke, Calum and Ashton had somehow convinced him to watch 'The Conjuring'.  It was pretty much a miracle. Michael had little to none tolerance for anything creepy in the slightest, which made it even more unbelievable that he was still alive.

Well barely, that is.

For whatever reason, poor Michael agreed and was now stuck on a couch in between his best friend, Ashton, and his boyfriend. Calum sat beside Luke, laughing uncontrollably at all the jumpscares.

"You guys are so mean to me." Pouting and crossing his arms, Michael sadly whimpered.

Luke grinned at him teasingly, while sneakily yanking the pillow from Michael's terrified grip.

"Give it back!" Michael pathetically attempted to reach where Luke was waving the pillow around.

Unfortunately, Luke waved it just out of the boy's reach, which caused him to be even more frustrated.

Another jumpscare happened on the tv, causing Michael to jump back into his spot, this time hiding his face in Luke's side.

Calum smirked at the couple, and Ashton was clearly doing the same.

"Fine, fine. Let's watch something else." Ashton grabbed the remote, which was stuck in between the couch cushions.

Quickly flicking through Netflix, he finally selected 'Lilo and Stitch.'

Michael slowly sat back up again as he heard the adorable movie start. Everyone knew how much he loved anything and everything Disney.

"There is no place I'd rather be, than on my surfboard out at sea!" Michael sang along happily.

Luke couldn't help but smile.
He was so lucky to have someone as great as Michael. Too many people nowadays were fake, trying to be somebody they're not, all just for the sake of popularity. Michael was just so genuine, he was an open book, which Luke admired.

They'd only been dating for 3 weeks, but everything was perfect.
So far, there haven't been any disagreements, which was very uncommon in relationships. Now that he was with Michael, he couldn't imagine his life before being his boyfriend.

And that worried him, just a little. He didn't know what would happen if they broke up. How would he take it?
He felt as if he was being too dependent on Michael.

When he felt sad, he would talk to Michael.
When he was angry, he would talk to Michael.
When he was happy, he would talk to Michael.

Anytime Luke felt any emotion, he would talk to Michael.
He'd never been like this with another person before.
He was so independent, so much so that he would refuse all kinds of help.

It was one of his flaws, but recently, it wasn't very apparent.

Luke knew it was Michael who had changed him, but he didn't know whether it was a good thing, or a bad thing.

Slowly but surely, Luke was becoming someone he wasn't.

Shaking his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts, Luke turned his attention back to the movie.


"Okay." Calum plopped onto his navy blue beanbag beside Luke.
"What is going on Luke? You're so out of it, and I'm not sure why."

Sighing a little too dramatically, Luke reluctantly faced his best friend.

"I'm not sure if it's working out with Michael."

Calum gasped, clutching his chest where his heart was.

"What?" He said in mock surprise, clearly not taking Luke seriously.

"I'm not kidding. I don't think it's working out." Luke repeated himself, rolling his eyes slightly.

Calum couldn't believe what he was hearing. Michael and Luke had just started dating and it was already rocky?

"What happened?" Calum asked, determined to find out what had caused Luke to be so uncomfortable.

"Nothing. Michael did absolutely nothing." Luke groaned in frustration.

"Then what's wrong?" Calum raised an eyebrow, completely and utterly confused with whatever Luke was saying.

Flopping back onto the beanbag, Luke sighed for what seemed like the 100th time.
Even he wasn't even sure why he was so upset. He ruffled his honey colored hair with his hand, and shut his eyes.

"Maybe you're feeling like this because you've never been in a relationship before?" Calum weakly suggested, as he flopped back onto his beanbag.

Calum was right. Luke had never been in a relationship before, maybe things were moving too fast.


One Week Ago

Michael giggled, his thumb lazily tracing small circles on the palm of Luke's hand. They were lying down on Michael's leather couch, old blankets and pillows strewn all over.

Slowly, Michael kissed Luke on the cheek. His hands wrapped around the boy, desperately trying to pull him closer. Grabbing onto the back of Luke's hoodie, the blonde shifted over, letting Michael do what he wanted.

It didn't feel right. Luke didn't like it. It felt forced and rushed and he didn't want that kind of relationship.

"I''m sorry, I-I can't do this." Luke stood up, tossing the blanket that previously covered his body.

Brushing off his clothing, he left Michael's apartment, not even a goodbye said.

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