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A/N: picture is a visual for something they'll be doing!!! Plus I just love this picture and wanted to incorporate it so 💖

"Hold on, you actually need to slow down." Luke couldn't catch up to Michael, he was pretty much full on sprinting since he had found a Pokemon. Which kind of said something about Luke's fitness level.

The lilac haired boy grinned at Luke, and continued to run, convinced this rare Pokemon was worth it. Calum followed closely behind Michael, just as eager about the game.

The taller boy took a moment, pausing his pathetic attempt to catch up to Michael. He was running wildly, giggling. His all black converse skidded to a stop as he finally got the Pokemon. Jumping up and down in excitement, he waved his phone at Luke, smiling widely.

"I caught it! Come look!"

Although Luke had no interest in Pokemon whatsoever, he came over to see since it was Michael.

He couldn't even attempt to hide his attraction to him. Michael just seemed so perfect for him.

Both Michael's that is. Well, Luke was still very confused about that. Skype Michael was flirty and Luke just couldn't resist. But Menchies Michael was just so adorable, quirky..

Honestly how was Luke supposed to choose? They were both amazing, but he was definitely going to need to decide. After all, he was not going to lead them both on, Luke wasn't that kind of guy.

He figured for now he'd enjoy Michael and Calum's company, and think about all that later.

"Now that you've got that Pokemon, can we please just walk around downtown? It's so pretty around here."

Michael agreed and so he stopped his Pokemon adventures. The trio wandered downtown, occasionally stopping to admire things.

Downtown L.A was truly captivating, although it being crowded, Luke loved the feel. It made him feel blessed to live in such a beautiful place. He knew that a busy city wasn't something everyone appreciated, but he couldn't imagine himself living anywhere else.

After a while, Calum slowly started to drift behind them, intentionally that is. He winked at Luke as he did so.

The blonde rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile, since Calum knew what was up. Everyone deserved a friend like him.

"Oooooh, those flowers match my hair!" Michael beamed and squatted beside the pastel pink and purple plants.

"Wait I need to take a picture, you're just too adora-" Luke stopped himself before he accidentally confessed.

Quickly, he snapped a picture and grinned, Michael made him so happy.
Not like he was going to tell him that anytime soon, but it was true.

Luke wasn't someone who could easily hide his feelings so he knew he had to be extra careful. Especially since he was accidentally leading on two people.

Turning around whilst shoving his phone back into his pocket, he saw Calum smirking at the pair.


When Luke arrived back home, it was about 9:30 and he'd invited Calum to come over. As soon as they got in the door, Luke reached for his laptop, eager to see if Michael had messaged him.

Unfortunately he hadn't, and pouting, he closed the device.

Calum raised an eyebrow as Luke shook his head.

"I have something I need to tell you." Luke patted the couch where Calum could sit next to him.

"What's up?" His tanned friend offered casually, attempting to ease Luke into the conversation.

"Well, I have a problem. I clearly like Skype Michael. A lot. Which wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't Menchies Michael. Skype Michael is just so flirty and I just really like him, but Menchies Michael is adorable and perfect, I -" Luke sighed in frustration.

"Plus I need to decide which one of them I like more, I can't do this. I can't just continue to lead them both on, it's just not right."

Calum shifted a little, looking at his best friend, unable to hide a smile.

"I also need to tell you something. It'll make you happy, I promise.

Luke nodded, silently telling Calum to go ahead.

"Well you don't need to choose between them."

The blonde furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why not?"

Calum grinned, finally unable to hide it.

"They're the same person."

A/N; Yay for longer chapters!! I'll continue to make them longer since I prefer these over short ones 😄 thoughts on Luke finding out? What do you think is going to happen next? Leave it down below!!

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