•6• Inked » Anthony Ervin

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"Ella Senior?"

The black haired beauty jumped up from her cold metal seat, "That's me!" she smiled as she shoved her glasses up to her captivating green eyes, heading to the lady on the front desk.

"You're number 14, you'll be in to your tattoo artist in room 5 in maybe an hour or so," the lady looked up from her laptop, a forced smile on her face.

"Thank you," Ella chirped sincerely.

Ella was the image of a perfect girl. Gorgeous looks, and good girl attitude. She was sweet, smart, soft-spoken, gentle, and extremely hyperactive all the time. Everyone that laid their eyes on her instantly fell in love with her. After all, who wouldn't want a girl blessed with it all?

This passionate girl was definitely an eye-catcher.

As she returned to her seat, she felt someone's eyes on her. She hoped that it was someone that she knew, since she was getting quite bored with nothing to do.

Also, another thing about Ella was that she wasn't into using her phone 24/7. She was a sociable and bubbly girl, sure, that loved to text her friends and call them, but that didn't mean that she would risk burning an eyeball for a black screen.

Turning around, she found a stranger in dark glasses staring at her. He had a small soft smile on his face, and though Ella didn't know much about interacting with strangers despite being at the age of 33, she knew that this man meant no harm.

Her line of vision traveling down to his heavily inked arms, she realized that she must've been a regular customer. Ella, on the other hand, was mentally debating whether she should get her first tattoo or not.

She shot him a sweet smile back, and turned her attention to a small baby that was crawling near her tiny sandals. She seemed no older than a year old.

She cooed at the little brunette baby girl that was gurgling adorably with wide hazel eyes and holding out her arms for her to carry her.

Ella couldn't resist it, she had to pick up this bundle of joy and cradle her light yet chubby body in her pale arms.

She started singing a soft lullaby in French that her mother used to sing to her before passing away, smiling in delight as she saw the cute little girl giggle at her.

Right in the middle of finishing up the second lullaby, her phone started blaring 'Allons-y' by Pink Floyd, informing her that her older sister was calling.

Still cradling the beautiful baby, she answered, "Hey, yeah, I'm fine. No, not yet. I'll call you when I'm done. Love you too, sis."

She quickly hung up, knowing that it wouldn't be too long before she entered, seeing as it was number 5 already.

"Nice ringtone, you into rock?" a perky voice snapped her out of daydreaming about her previous Florence+The Machine concert, which had, typically, been amazing.

She turned around to find the man that had been smiling earlier with his lips stretched in a wide smile.

"Um, yeah, I have bought every single Pink Floyd album, really, along with other bands. I listen to all genres," she laughed slightly.

He nodded his head, taking off his sunglasses and sticking out his hand.

"Anthony Ervin," he shot her a winning smile, his dark eyes emitting warmth.

She smiled as sweetly as possible, and took his hand in hers in a firm handshake, "Ella Senior. You look familiar.." she trailed off, taking in his handsome confident tattooed figure.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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