Light Touch

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When the light touched Elle's forehead, everything became clear again. The ringing in her ears stopped, giving her relief, and the strength returned to her legs.

She couldn't help but crack a smile. Revival energy kicked in, and she felt even more powerful than she did before.

The same thing was happening to April. Shiela was sitting her up and healing her with light.

"Shiela! Hurry up!" Knightwing shouted, focusing on keeping the black smoke shield up.

Elle wanted to try something she hadn't been able to before. She usually focuses on plants, but what about rocks themselves? She knew she could do it, she just never practiced it.

"I got this." She says slamming her foot into the ground with a thump, and the earth shook, with a crack making its way out towards those soldiers.

She found herself controlling those cracks in the cement, as if She could see where those cracks were going.

The made them open at the soldiers feet, having hem fall about a foot in length before encasing their feet in that cement from the pavement.

Shouts of confusion erupted as the bullets died down, allowing Knightwing to stop her barrier, with a sigh of relief.

With the smoke clearing, the four girls saw that all the specially trained police struggle with their feet, leaving them vulnerable. Even the dogs.

Elle grimaced, and began to raise her hand, "sorry!" She said as the earth crawled up their legs, and reached around their arms and legs, stopping them from moving.

"We gotta go!" Knightwing said grabbing Elle's hand and pulling ger towards the exit of the alley way, with Sheila and April following close behind.

They lead them down the streets, taking multiple twists and turns, in order to make sure they weren't followed.

"I think we lost them!" Knightwing breathily says as she walks up to an abandoned building.

"What do you mean lost them? We left them behind covered in rock." April adds in curiously watching Knightwing and Shiela as they walk up to the abandoned building, "Where are we?"

"Every gang needs a hide out." Shiela says pushing open the door open to reveal a very open room, minus a few other people, couches and monitors.

Three other people stood there, all watching those who arrived quizzically, before eyes lighting up in recognition.

"You found them?" A girl shouted, with light blue hair and green eyes which matched her perfectly. She held herself high, showing no signs of weakness, with confidence to match.

"That, we did." Knightwing says collapsing on the couch, very pleased with the job she had accomplished.

"Everyone," Shiela steps forward, "This is Elle and April, in the flesh." Everyone seemed incredibly happy, as f they had completed a major mission, with out any complications. They all high fived each other, with a chorus of 'yes's and 'finally's.

April shied away, seemingly hiding behind Elle, not enjoying the sudden attention. Elle on the other had was still trying to process everything.

"Wait, so how do you know us? And who are you?" She says eyeing everyone suspiciously.

The blue haired girl stepped forward, "Well, for starters, I'm Isabelle. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She then turned her head to the blonde boy in the corner, "and that's Jinx."

"well that answers one question. And how do you know us exactly?" Elle urges on, eyebrows raised.

"Now that is because of our leader," Shiela says, a giant smirk forming in her face, "The Author."

It's Our Time 2 (Shine) - A Heroes Reborn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now