Chapter 16

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So... I gotta.. uh... think...

Chris pondered.

Think WHAT exactly??

He walked around. It felt as if he was inside a huge cloud.

That woman.... She leaves me hanging... All the fucking time...

He walked and walked and walked. The nothingness had no end, it seemed.

Great.... Just great...

He stopped.

Bring me inside my head, show me a few memories, and then just abandon me so, I can get lost and never find my way out... ever again...


Everything was grey. Just grey. And the silence. Chris could almost hear his blood flowing. Or maybe it was just his tinnitus acting up. He started walking again, hoping that this time it would be different.

That woman....

Suddenly a thought hit him and he stopped in his tracks.

Hey... It's my mind... I should be able to control everything that happens here...

He looked around again and focused.

Mists... Clear up... Mists... Clear... MISTS... C--L--E--A--R....

Nothing happened.

Oh for God's sake, JUST FUCKING CLEAR UP....

Still nothing. 


Chris gave up. He tended to become frustrated when something didn't happen the way he planned it. His thoughts shifted towards Jonny. He began thinking of the good times they shared. Little things about Jonny, like his overwhelming obsession with neatness, his calm and cool voice, his guitar playing... All of this made Chris smile, even on the harshest day...

Chris blushed.

One such little thing, was Jonny's obsession with hats. Chris found it very annoying. Why would a man as handsome as Jonny need to wear hats to cover himself? He said that it was because of his thinning hair. Chris just couldn't see it. His hair wasn't thinning. Not at all. It was still as messy and as Jonny-like as it was in his twenties. Chris thought that Jonny felt insecure about himself. He didn't need to. He just had to be Jonny. Nobody else. He didn't have to be so introvert. Although his shyness was definitely his cutest trait, no doubt. But he didn't have to worry about his appearance so much. Chris often wondered how he ended up with a friend who was so opposed to him in nature. Almost as if they were the two opposite poles of a magnet. It had to be a universal mystery that brought them together. He never thought he would friends with someone of this sort, let alone fall in love. He blushed again, as he remembered Jonny's beautiful green eyes and their loving gaze. But in a moment, his stomach was in turns as he realised that he would never see Jonny again.

The mists started to clear.

What? What?? WHAT?? How?

Chris felt awkward. 

Did thinking about Jonny clear the mists?

Chris didn't pay much attention to the surroundings. 

Wow... My mind... Is awesome...

"Daddy...", a faint voice from far away shook Chris back to reality. He thought that it must have been his tinnitus, but the voice called out for a second time.


This time a chill ran down Chris' spine. He knew who it was.

No... they are not here... No...

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