Chapter 29

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A/N: The reason this took me so much time is because, wow it's hard writing about love


The morning light shone in through the translucent curtains. It fell right on Chris's face. He didn't seem to like it much and turned over to the other side groggily. He hated waking up early in the morning.

"Wakey wakey...", a feminine voice spoke.


Soon he felt the room become much brighter than before. It was evident that whoever this person was had pulled the curtains open.

"No...", Chris muttered groggily, "It isn't time yet..."

"It's almost time for breakfast..."

"I'm not hungry...", he replied irritably, "I'm sleepy..."

At this moment some sense seemed to kick in him and he realised that he ought to check who he was arguing with. He opened one eye and saw that it was the same nurse from last night. He remembered that he was in a hospital and turned on his side.

"You've been sleeping for 14 hours, if I don't wake you up now, that's gonna be a full coma..."

Chris turned his neck to catch a glimpse at the nurse. She looked like she meant business. His stomach growled and he realised that he hadn't eaten for almost 18 hours. Reluctantly, he turned on his back and stretched his arms and legs. They felt sore.

"So how are we feeling today Mr. Martin?", the nurse walked over to his IV and unhooked it.

"Alive...", Chris replied.

He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

"Well your IV is done. The doctor said you won't be needing anymore of them, so I'm gonna remove it"

He nodded groggily. The nurse took his hand and slowly removed the tape. She then took out the IV swiftly.

"Ow", Chris grunted, "That hurt..."

"It's okay now", she said and cleaned the wound.

She then proceeded to put a cotton gauge on top of it.

"Don't removed this before a whole day has passed. Also don't let water get near it"

Chris groaned in response. He still wasn't fully awake yet. His mind went back to the events of last night.

"I fell in love... With a bloke"

Jonny's words echoed in his ears. He jolted up in bed.

"The bloke's you..."

Those were the last words that actually registered in his mind. He could remember absolutely nothing after that. His mind imploded and he went completely in autopilot mode. He still had no idea what he said as a response or if he said anything at all. He didn't even know how he ended up back in his room after that. His mind was still recovering from that bout with hallucinations and delusions and the doctor told him that he'd have temporary lapses in memory; but he didn't think it would be this profound. He felt incredibly rude for not replying to Jonny after that. Truth be told, he didn't know whether this was just another conjured up 'fake' memory.

"What happened last night?", he asked the nurse

The nurse looked at him with surprise

"You don't remember? Must have slept real deep", she replied

Chris nodded.

Yep that's most definitely the reason...

"Well nothing out of the ordinary. Also I apologise for interrupting you when you were having a conversation with that friend of yours but... hospital rules you know..."

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