Chapter 18

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"I HATE YOU, GUY!!!", Jonny yelled when he got out of the limo.

"Nope... Nope, I know you love me", Guy giggled uncontrollably.

"Stop laughing and get out, you pillock!!", Jonny's ears felt hot.

Guy laughed on. He laid down on the seat, while clutching his belly and laughed, till he was out of breath. With a long final laugh he calmed himself down and sat up. He tried to get out. But on seeing Jonny's face, he started laughing again.

"Stop, for the love of God, just STOP....", Jonny growled. His whole face had turned red in embarrassment and anger.

Guy attempted to say something but failed.

"I am not taking this anymore...", Jonny pulled Guy out and gritted his teeth.

He payed the limo driver, while Guy went on laughing. 

Jonny felt a bit concerned. Guy had been laughing for like twenty minutes, straight. He had read somewhere that uncontrolled laughing could be a sign of an idiopathic mental disorder. All this laughing, it was a bit too much, even for Guy.

"Are you all right? Did you take drugs or something?", he asked.

Guy laughed louder, "Yeah... I AM STONED!!!"

Jonny looked down and sighed.

"I AM STONED ON BUCKING LOOOOOOOVE", he laughed and laughed.

"Ugh... Stop that already...", Jonny expressed his annoyance.

Why? Why? WHY ME? WHYYYY? This is karma.... This is karma avenging me for what I did to Chris...

Jonny sighed. Once Guy begins, he never stops.

Guy had read through eleven Buckin stories, in the limo. He had forced Jonny to read the steamy scenes, and when he refused, Guy had read them out loud at the top of his lungs, so much so that they heard the limo driver chuckling. For almost forty minutes, Jonny had to go on listening to gay love making. And worse, he was one of the lead characters.

It had been Jonny's childhood dream to grow extremely famous. He dreamed that people would write stories about him. And boy, did it come true! He could never have imagined, even in his wildest dreams, that the stories would be like this. It's something where Guy would be the best lead, except for Chris of course. But somehow, all Coldplay fans had unanimously chosen Jonny to be Chris' lover. He wasn't even that good looking or talented. He could just play a few notes on the guitar, that's all. But Chris... He became good in anything he did. He plays the lead guitar, the piano, the acoustic, the harmonica, and sometimes even the drums. And on top of that, he has a voice like an angel, while being really good looking at that. He is charming. He is mischievous. He is cute. He is the perfect-est man, that anybody could wish for. But Jonny, he wasn't even half of what Chris. He felt grossly inadequate to be considered as Chris' lover, even if it was just fiction. He was Chris' best friend, possibly even more, no doubt, but lover? That was just impossible. Chris was straight. He always had been. Like any other man, he daydreamed of sex, he found it extremely hard not to stare when an ample breasted woman walked by, he loved flirting with beautiful women, and he loved it even more when women flirted with him. All his past relationships had been with women. He had never shown any preference for any man. He would definitely land playful pecks, or wet kisses on Jonny's cheeks, or pinch his butt, or lean on his shoulder, but all of this was just bromance. It had never been more for Chris. Guy used to joke that, Chris and Jonny were lovers in their previous lives. He and Chris had this thing, a sort of a connection. They could almost read each other's thoughts. They were just so perfect  when they were together.

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