After 2 AM

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"I'm asking for the last time. Where is Alex?" Scott's voice appeared calm, in control. But I could hear the underlying mess underneath.

It had been 3 weeks since Alex had disappeared from the bunker, leaving only a note addressed to his younger counterpart.

I wasn't quite sure what to think. The man I thought I loved just up and left, without giving me any sort of explanation. What would a letter, specifically meant for Scottie, do for me? Did it mean he wanted me to search for him? Follow him, and maybe live a normal life together somewhere else. But of course it didn't. That made no sense. It was only a silly fantasy of mine, and not one that I favored much. I could never live a normal life, of that I was sure. And neither I or Alex could leave Scott for any reason.

But why didn't Alex leave me something? Did it mean, he never really loved me? After all our time together, the whispered I love you's, the goodnight kisses and the mornings spent doing nothing in bed except being together. Through all of it, did those moments really mean nothing to him? I didn't want to believe it. But I really had no choice.

Scott looked up from the demon and our eyes met. Scott had been struggling too. And he understood what I was going through. We'd both lost Alex. Scott and I had always been close, good friends. But since Alex had left, something felt different, less restrained. In all the moments of darkness, the two of us could still find happy moments together.

We'd started a sort of tradition. Whenever one of us couldn't sleep — which was often — we would sit outside on the impala or drive somewhere with barely any trees and watch the sun come up over the horizon. It was beautiful. Scott made me feel safe and happy. He was the only light in the constant dark that surrounded me nowadays. And I was grateful for him.

Our friendship had taken a new level. Being each other's only hope to keep searching for his best friend and my boyfriend. And sometimes I caught myself feeling guilty. Though Scott and I were doing nothing wrong, I was still afraid of what Alex would think.

"WHERE IS ALEX!" Scott yelled, raising his arm up to plunge the knife into the demon's chest. In that moment, his controlled demeanor faded away and he suddenly became a raging animal. The anger rolled off of him in waves.

I moved quickly, remembering the demon had said something about the janitor inside him still being alive. I rushed forward and grabbed Scott's arm as it swung forward, pulling it down. The knife brushed over my forearm, but that was the least of my concerns now. I pushed Scott back, away from the demon.

I took his face in my hands, cupping his cheeks and forcing him to look at me.

"Hey, hey Scott. It's okay. We'll find him. But not like this." I waited until his eyes no longer housed a fire and he nodded. I turned around and scratched the floor, then stood and backed off as the demon cautiously stepped out of the circle and left it's host body, leaving the two of us to explain to the man why he was two hundred miles from his home in an abandoned warehouse. If he hadn't already figured it out himself.

I was hurt, confused and scared. After everything that had happened, I wasn't quite sure how to feel or what to think. Mostly, I found myself filled with the same sort of guilt. And it was a feeling I was beginning to drown in, and not even Scott could make it go away.

Scott and I were planning to stop in a motel overnight before continuing on. He had barely said a word to me since we'd dropped the no longer possessed guy off at a bus station. I wasn't sure what what going through his head, and I was beginning to grow worried.

My phone buzzed and I quickly picked it up. "Kirst." Scott glanced over at me.

"Hello, Mitch." I put her on speaker phone so that Scott could hear.

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