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I pushed at the clock on my bedside table as it shone a bright green light on my face. I was becoming all too familiar with the sunless mornings. Too early to be tomorrow, too late to be yesterday. It was the middle hour that haunted my past and now threatened my future.

I ran my fingers through my hair, mussing it up. Then I took a deep breath, letting the air fill my lungs in a peaceful silence. I would never get to sleep like this. I bit my lip before standing and pulling on an old t-shirt, leaving my room and making my way down the hall. I pushed at the door two down from mine lightly, and it creaked as it opened. I could see Alex's still form on the bed. He was holding his breath, like a child does when he pretends to be asleep. Nevertheless, I made my way to his side and wrapped my arms around him. He didn't say anything, and I respected the silence. I would wait until he was ready. But I hadn't needed to wait long before he turned his body around to face me.

"I forgive you." I met his eyes. They were more brown than usual, and the area was big and puffy. As if he'd been crying. "But, I need to know something."

"Anything." I promised him. I waited, and I grew increasingly worried the longer he took to ask.

"Do you love me, Mitch?"

"What?" But he didn't repeat himself, and I shut my eyes tight, taking in a deep breath."Because I love you. And I would do anything to keep you with me. I don't know what I'd do without you." When I opened my eyes he was crying and I bit my lip. "So, I need to know. Do you love me?" He deserved the truth. I owed him that much.

"No." I shook my head, covering my mouth as I cried, locking my eyes with his as more tears spilled down his face. He opened his mouth and stumbled out his next question. "Do you love Scott?"

I nodded, and he looked over my shoulder at his room. He seemed to be memorizing it, as if the place he spent the most time in wasn't already ingrained into his mind. Or maybe he was trying to look anywhere but at the one who betrayed him. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself, but I inhaled sharply when Alex's eyes met mine again. This time they held a look of loss, the same look he'd given me when he'd been waiting at my bedside.

He blamed himself.

"Did you ever love me?"

"Mitch?," he began but he hesitated briefly. I looked up at him, curiosity growing."What's up?"

"I love you." His eyes met mine and I took a sharp intake of breath. My heart began to pound against my chest, and I couldn't breath. My hands grew sweaty as I choked out, "What?"

Alex laughed at my reaction, and placed a hand on my cheek."I love you. And I kinda think I have for a long time now." He admitted. I gaped, my mouth resembling that of a fish's as I tried to find your next words. "Alex...I..." I shook my head, trying to find the words as his face grew discouraged.

I bit my lip, trying to think of what to say. I nodded slowly.

"Yes, I did." He nodded and pulled me gently into his arms. I closed my eyes, hoping that this would be the right choice. Hoping that maybe Alex and I could figure it out, and that Scott and I could move on. And before I knew it, the calmest sleep I'd had in a while had captured me, and I fell willingly into it's abyss.


He found Scott in the very back of the library, combing through several large volumes of spells and witchcraft. Books Scott had most definitely read before.

The younger man was sitting criss cross on the floor, in a circle of novels. He hadn't noticed Alex entering, too lost in the lore of the darkness. Scott sniffed, rubbing his eye and Alex realized with a sinking feeling that his best friend's face was shiny with tears. Alex kneeled down slowly, copying his friend's position on the floor. Scott looked up, his finger ready to flip to the next page of the book in his lap. He held it there, and Alex noticed the paper begin to shake before Scott released his hold.

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