Nothing Good Happens

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"Hey." A weak voice sounded from behind me and I turned slowly.

It was Scott. I hadn't seen him much the last few weeks - since we'd killed the ghoul.

He was leaning against the the wall just a few steps away from me, and I cursed myself quickly for not hearing him. Then again, it was Scott. He could sneak up on a mouse. I kept my eyes away from his, which I could feel boring holes into me. Instead I let my gaze roam selfishly over his body. His knuckles were bruised, and beaming a bright red. I'd heard him punching the wall in his room only yesterday. He'd been at it for nearly two hours when Alex finally returned home and stopped him. And when Alex had come into my room and demanded why I hadn't stopped him, I could only shake my head. Because I didn't know how to tell him how all I did was sit and stare at the wall, incapable of doing shit.

Because I knew stopping Scott wouldn't help anything. And frankly I felt like punching a wall was exactly what I needed right now.

Along with his ruined hands, my gaze extended up his arms and his uncovered chest - his muscles flexed with just his breathing. He'd taken up an unbelievable exercise regime that took up most of the day - I assumed to keep out of the way of Alex and I. He hadn't been this fit since he was soulless, and the realization made my mouth run dry. Finally, my gaze reached his face. His features had become gaunt, and his eyes housed dark bags underneath them. His eyes were sad, and dark.

"Can't sleep?" I shook my head, lowering my gaze. "Me neither. I can't do much nowadays." I looked up from my mug and met his eyes, intensely focused on mine. And I realized with a pang of sadness that I missed those eyes. I missed the look that seemed reserved for just me. The look that made me feel invincible and happy. I shivered and pulled at the sleeves of the shirt I was wearing, and quickly dropped my gaze from Scott's as a landslide of guilt came tumbling down on me. It was Alex's shirt, and here I was, thinking about his best friend. I pulled at my bottom lip with my teeth, trying to regain control of my emotions. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to cry or scream, but I knew that whatever I did, I shouldn't do in front of Scott.

"Scott." I started but broke off, closing my eyes as Scott stepped forward and his scent overwhelmed my nose. I missed his smell. One of his hands took the mug from me and set it on the counter. He then cupped my cheeks, forcing me to look up at him. My arms instinctually found his chest and his forehead came to rest gently against my own.

"I can't stop thinking about you." His voice broke and I pressed my eyes tightly together. "Mitch..." He whispered my name and it sent shivers down my arms and through my body. I let out a small whimper, trying to keep composed but I was losing it. His lips brushed lightly against my own, as he waited for some signal to stop. I had to give him the signal. I knew it. I had to. But I was so weak. I hadn't been this close to him in days, and it killed me. I missed the way he tasted, his soft lips and the way he kissed me. And then, something happened. Alex's flannel brushed my thigh, and the single motion sent my mind whirring.

I pushed away from Scott lightly, keeping close to him still. "Scott, we can't." I mumbled and he let out a deep breath.

"Please, Mitch."

"He's your best friend!"

"He left you!" His voice rose slightly and I shook my head. "He slept with other men and then flaunted it to hurt you! Demon or not!" I stepped away from him, my arms falling to my sides.

"I don't care. I won't do this to him."
Scott stepped still further away from me and ran a hand through his hair. "This isn't fair. Every time he touches you I want to punch him. And when he kisses you..." He cut off and I tensed in guilt. "I'm in hell without you." I noticed his posture growing tenser, and his shoulders becoming broader. He was getting angry; I'd come to recognize the signs.

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