Next To Normal

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"Yo! Got a case."

"Since when do you say yo?" I yawned, as I sat up and leaned against my pillows for support.

"I always say yo." Alex leaned against the frame of my door and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and reached behind me. My fingers clasped around a pillow and I quickly chucked it at him. He caught it and threw it back, stepping into my room. I ducked and let the pillow fall beside me.

"You've never said that." I teased him. He climbed on my bed and I leaned forward to meet him, pressing my lips against his.

"Good morning." He said once we pulled apart.

I smiled giddily, my lips spreading into a smile. "Morning." He kissed me again, his hand resting gently on my cheek. I couldn't get rid of the smile, and I soon found myself giggling. He broke away from me and sighed.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing." I promised, waving my hand. I grabbed his shirt collar in my hand and pulled him back in to kiss me. But after a few seconds I was giggling again. I tried to hold it down but Alex pulled away and raised his eyebrows at my behavior.

"Oh, you wanna laugh, do you?"

"No, I'm sorry." I tightened my lips to brace the laughter, but I couldn't help it. Alex fell back onto his thighs, an amused gaze on me as I rolled around in hysterics. At what, I had no idea.

Maybe I was just happy. And that was fine by me.

I felt Alex's fingers tracing along my calf, and I thought nothing of it until his finger spider walk crossed my achilles heel. I immediately sobered up, and met his eyes. "Don't you dare." He hardly wavered before he was tickling the bottom of my feet. I squealed and jumped, but he kept a tight hold.

I couldn't escape the laughter soaring past my lips. Soon, I was gasping for air as I begged Alex to stop.

"Alex!" I squealed, finally getting out of his grip. I was tangled in my sheets and I struggled to get out of them. In doing so, I heard a big clump on the floor. I wrestled with the linens a bit more, before realizing I was the clump on the floor. I sat up, my ears attracted to the sound of someone else's laughter.

Alex was clutching his stomach and leaning over, sniggering at my situation. I playfully glared at him, taking advantage of his inattentive state and pulling him down to the floor with me. The two of us switched expressions as he realized what had just happened.

His fingers attacked my sides again and I fell back laughing. "No! Please, uncle! Uncle!" They disappeared and I sat up.

I pulled his flannel tighter around my torso as I regained my breath. The two of us sat there on the floor beside my bed. It was nice.

"What's the case?" I asked him and he smiled. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my temple before standing up. I copied his movements.

"Why don't you take a shower, get dressed and meet me in the kitchen for some breakfast."

"And then you'll tell me?"

"And then I'll tell you." He agreed with a kiss.

"Okay. Then get out of my room." I stuck my tongue out at him and he held up his hands in defense while taking a step towards me. "Seriously, go." He smirked and leaned forward to kiss me again. I stopped him and pushed back on his chest. "Nope. If I have to wait, so do you." I told him, pushing his gently all the way to the door.

"Just one more?" He pouted. I leaned forward as if to kiss him, but stepped back and closed the door. "That was mean."

"Don't care!" I teased him. I moved back over to my bed and pulled off the flannel, getting ready to shower.

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