Chapter Seven

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  We made it to the mall, John, Terezi, Jade, Rose, Kanaya, Karkat, Dave and me. At first I thought I was going to hang out with just John and Dave but everyone else had to come. I guess I'm  kinda disappointed, I sorta wanted some alone time with Dave.... Like Rose said, he has any girl he wants to choose from, why would it be me. My thoughts were interrupted when Kanaya spoke up.

"So what will we be doing today at the mall?"

"Well, I wanted to show (Y/n) the record place... I don't know about you guys" Dave said coolly. What was this.... I could feel little butterflies in my stomach and my face was getting warm.. I looked at him with a shy smile on my face as he walked next to me, wrapping his right arm around my shoulder. He started leading us in a different direction of the rest of the group, before we got too far I looked back to see Terezi who seemed to be fuming. What was her deal.... Again I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a ear piercing shriek. Me eyes immediately shot to where it must have came from. I saw two trolls with horns that looked like cat ears, I knew the smaller one it was Nepeta so I quickly asked if she was alright.

  "Nepeta, what happened?!?"

"Nothing, I just found my mew otp" Rose had told me about her otps and hearing her say that about Dave and I made me blush. I shook my head slightly thinking that he probably liked some other girl. His arm was still around my shoulders as we just kept walking not saying anything. As we kept walking, I looked around at everything around us, this mall was huge.

"Whatcha' looking at?" Dave said taking his arm off my shoulder and putting his hands in his pockets.

"Nothing in particular, just seeing what there is out there" I stopped looking around and glanced at Dave.

"So where did you move from? You never told me"

"I moved from (Home/town) because parents were transferred" I replied.

"Oh, what was it like?" he said just before we walked into assumed music store.

"Well, it was allot more rural and smaller. We lived on a street with five houses on it besides our own"

"Hmmm cool. So, this is my heaven, when shit flies off the handle this is where I come." He said as he put a CD into a system with two sets of big headphones like beats. He handed one to me. I tucked my hair behind my ears then but them on as he did the same. It played a part of a rap song that I didn't know and looked at the tip of my shoe not exactly knowing what I should be doing. In the process a lock of hair slipped out to cover my face slightly just as the song changed into a much slower song. A slight blush appeared on my face as I looked up at Dave who was already looking down at me. His hand reached up and tucked my hair back behind my ear and smiled, not like a grin but it still wasn't a smirk. I smiled back shyly then I looked down towards the bottom shelf.

"What's a'matter?" Dave asked with slight emotion in his voice as he tilted my head up to face him. If it wasn't for the those damn shades he's wearing we'd be making eye contact but nope. Here he is, looking at me with a caring face but I can just tell his eyes must show more than that.

"Nothing, I'm all good" Replied with his one hand gently resting on my shoulder. I took my headphones off and placed them where they were before as Dave did the same. We looked back at each other and his mouth opened to say something but then I heard John, and everyone else too.

"Hey! There you guys are, we've been looking around for a while, how did you like the record place?" John probably asked me but I wasn't paying attention, I was still looking around at everything around me. I felt a finger poke my arm and I snapped back to reality. ((Tell where that's from and I'll give you a shout out in the next chapter))

"Um... what was that? I wasn't paying attention" That sounds more embarrassing coming out of my mouth than in my head... but John happily repeated his question.

"How was the record place?" We walked past the cafeteria, I was in between John and Dave, Terezi was on the other side of Dave standing awfully close to him. Maybe they were a thing and she doesn't want you near him... was I jeprodisring their relationship? I'll ask Jade after. Back to Johns question.

"Yeah, they actually play a cool variety of music. But honestly I'll listen to any music I can get my hands on" Johns head immediately shot towards Dave and he wiggles an eyebrow at him.

"Am I missing something?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Dave enjoys making 'sick beats' with his turntables, quite often as well. I've heard some and they are actually quite good." Kanaya replied and smiled slightly at me. I smiled back then noticed John making weird hand symbols to Dave, Dave frantically swatting his hands away trying to go back to his usual cool kid mode. Then he shot John a glare that made him stop, did he even see it..? Well, whatever just went down was over, now Dave was looking at you.

"Maybe some time this week you could come over and we could make some sick beats together- no. That didn't sound right, you get what I mean though?" I smiled and laughed slightly and nodded.

"Yeah, sure I don't think I'm really that busy at all so whenever is good for you" He nodded as well then I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder gently. I turn around to see that it's just Rose.

"My Gog you scared me, what's going on?" I asked her all she answered with was.

"Can I talk to you, Jade and Kanaya?" I looked back to Dave and gave a small wave and walked off with Rose.

Hey, sorry for the long wait but I gave you a longer than usual chapter. Thank you so much for the support, and it goes to everyone who is reading this. Please tell me what you think should happen and I'll to write it in. Have a good day :)

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