Chapter Nine

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Hey, I usually don't put these at the beginning of the chapter but I'd really like you to read this. I just want to say that I read all the comment and try to respond to all of them because I love your feedback! Thank you for reading and I'll let you get to your chapter now. :)

I walked into our apartment and realized I was all alone, I walked into my room and laid on my bed and pulled out my phone. On the screen it showed that had a message from Rebecca, my best friend from

Rebecca: Hey! How was your day at your new school!?!?
Me: It was pretty good, I made some 'friends' today.
Rebecca: That's good, but what do you mean by 'friends'?
Me: Well, I talk with them and eat lunch with them but I wouldn't trust them like with my darkest secret if they asked, you know what I mean? I just haven't gotten to spend too much time with them yet
Rebecca: That makes sense, meet anyone that peaked your interest?
Me: Um...Well...Kinda
Me: His name is Dave and he's our next door neighbor, he showed me around at school today and introduced me to his friends, I'm supposed to go to his house and make 'sick beats' with him
Rebecca: Look at you! (Y/n) I hope everything goes well! I'd love to stay and talk with you but I have homework to do :(
Rebecca: I'll message you tomorrow :)
Me: Okay, talk to you later
Me: Bye Becca
Rebecca: Bye (Y/n)

I already miss her, I miss (Home/Town) allot... As I thought that. I heard someone open the door.

"(Y/n)? Are you home yet?" Xavier said. I walked out of my room and saw him walk in.

"Where's Mom and Dad?"

"They went out for dinner"

"Oh, okay. So how was your first day?"

"Good, how was yours?"

"Pretty good, did you make any friends?" I said as I sat on the chair and Xavier sat on the couch.

"Yeah, I even made some weird alien friends too"

"Me too, what's their name?"

"Sollux, Eridan, and Feferi, they're all really nice I think you'd like them"

"Oh cool, well I have some homework to do, I'll be out later" I stood up and walked to my room finishing my math homework.

~~Timeskip to three days later~~

Today was the day that I was going to go over to Daves to make some of his sick beats. We were currently walking to his apartment after school talking about the winters we used to have.

"I can't believe that you've never seen snow!" I said shocked, snow was a part of my culture even though it's fall right now (snowboarding/skiing) is still on my mind.

"Well, I've lived here for forever and it doesn't snow here" He shrugged lightly.

"Well, every winter we go on a big ski trip, maybe you'll have to come with us" We got to the apartment and it kinda saved me because I think I made it a little awkward. He unlocked the door and walked in and help the door open for me.

"Well thank you kind sir" I said giggling.

"You're welcome m'lady" He chuckled as we took our shoes off and he started to show me around.

"So obviously this is the kitchen, but don't open any of the doors" I tilted my head at him. "It's for your own safety, you can open this one though" He walked over to a tall and skinny cupboard and opened it. It was full floor to ceiling with apple juice.

"Why, on earth do you have so much apple juice?" He grabbed to and waved over his shoulder for me to follow him.

"This shit's the bomb, that's why" He brought me to the living room, there were two couches -a love seat and a sofa- and there were colourful plush asses everywhere. I look at Dave confused.

"That's the product of my brothers company, they're called smuppets" He said in an unexcited manner. He handed me an apple juice and I cracked it open and took a small sip. He pointed to a door, and told me that it's 'Bros' room. Then he opened a door leading to his -messy and cluttered- room. The first thing I noticed besides the messiness was his turn tables of course. They were on top of two cinder blocks. He sat on his bed and patted the spot next to him. I sat down next to him with about 4inches between us.

"So this is my messy ass room, make yourself at home" He said with a small smile on his face then almost immediately went back to his poker face.

"Why do you always keep a poker face?" I asked without making any eye contact with his shades.

"For ironic purposes" Dave said emotionlessly.

"No, I'm serious why do you always wear those sunglasses, or why don't you put emotion into things?" I asked and looked at him.

"My Bro always taught me that showing your emotions was uncool, I had to say that every act I've done was done "ironically". The shades have nothing to do with that at all so don't worry about that" I was still looking at him so I told him how I felt about all that.

"Dave, you don't need to do that, well at least not when you're with me. You know, I've never see you without your glasses either." I tilted me head at Dave.

"And for good reason" I raised my eyebrow, what does he mean. "They're not normal and I don't want to scare you away" I give him a sympathetic look.

"It can't possibly be that bad Dave" He sighed and adjusted his shades.

"I'll take them off, for you but... you can't say anything to anyone, okay?"

Please don't hate me :)

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