Am I dead?

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I woke up to a bright light "ugh.." Everything hurt.


"yea?" said weakly.

"Can we leave now Duncan?"

"I told you to leave hours ago!"

"What's so special about her?! When I was sick you weren't there for me..."

 "Cause your a b*tch! Your annoying.. Oh I'm an RCT... Blah blah blah!" He mimicked her.  I didn't know who she was but just what I heard she was annoying and mean. I slowly sat up as she slammed the door leaving.

"What happened?"

"We were climbing down the tree cause you were feeling sick.... and you fell a few feet on your ankle and broke it..."


A/n: I just realized mot to all of my stories I go to the hospital in. Carry on. 


I tried to move it. "Anh.." The pain was almost unbearable.

"I'm gunna go tell the nurses your up."

"can you ask for food too... Please? I'm starving.."

"yea.." He smiled for the first time ever it seemed. 

"your up..." The nurse placed a plate on the table beside me.

"we need to give you some medicine to get raid of the pain then you can eat." She gave me some pills and water. I took them and scarfed down the food not knowing what it was.

"Where's Duncan?"

"Your friend...? he left after he told me you were up."


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