Gender Bender, Cocaine Coffee, and Perverted Friend

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Well.. today was very eventful.... VERY.. eventful...

This morning, well, at 12:30 in the afternoon, and my brother's friend, Tyler, brought me COFFEE! OMG I LOVE HER FOREVER! ((No homo..))

Well, I walked into the living room this morning with my computer, being REALLY lazy like always. My mom asked what time I had fallen asleep. I swear, it sounded like I wasn't even talking!

"One." I said. I SOUNDED LIKE A GUY! And this was after me drinking a little of my frappe. So, we started joking around.

Guess where we ended up saying what happened.

Either I turned into a guy, or Tyler, who got us the coffee, put cocaine in it.

HOLD UP! COCAINE!? you ask??

Yes person I don't know! Yes. I answer your question.

So...... yea.... I had cocaine coffee. That explained why I had a massive headache since I woke up. COCAINE AFFECTS HEADS PEOPLE!!!! DON'T TAKE IT! Nor do you allow someone to put it in your coffee... *twitches*

So... now what I want to talk about.. my mom... Yea... VERY AWKWARD XD

So we were talking in the living room at... 6:30, maybe?? I was brushing my hair and watching Ridiculousness, listening to my mom talk to my brother and his friend, waiting on someone to get here so we could leave for dinner.

No lie, I heard this.

So I was talking to granny and she asked what I was doing. I told her that I was getting the Christmas decorations from Brian's house. Then Sylvie walked in and told me that she didn't want to go eat out because she had a headache, so I had to medicate her, and so I was back and forth, doing Christmas and doing Sylvie. 

I was laughing. So. F*cking. Hard. I repeat. So. F*cking. Hard. Because, my mom had just tried to kiss me on the cheek. I refused and was just laughing. Not only that, but my friend ((Tyler)) had said this.

You are so wrong for doing that. You drugged, did, and kissed your own daughter. 

I repeat. SO. F*CKING. HARD. So now we were just teasing my mom for it. IT WAS SO HILARIOUS!













I was red from laughter. So, yea. I hope you had fun reading this!! BAI TRICKSTERS

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