Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


"Come on Kendall! You'll enjoy it. Please?" Begged my mother.

"Mum, I have already made plans to go stay at Ainsdale beach and go surfing with Paige this weekend!" I said, plonking onto my bed.

"Too bad. You're coming, and you can have your little 'beach getaway' another time." My mother says.

"But muuuuuum!" I whined.

"It's a family gathering, and you are not missing it." Were my mums final words, before she slammed my bedroom door, and I heard footsteps going down the stairs.


Why do mums have to be so annoying?!

I picked my phone up and rang Paige.

"Kendall! Ready for this weekend?" My best friend asked when she picked up the phone.

"Yeah, about that. My stupid mother said I have to cancel, because we have this stupid family gathering thing on Saturday." I explain.

"What? We've been planning this for weeks!" She said.

"I know. Mum said to do it another weekend. How about the weekend after next?" I ask.

"Erm.. yeah, that'd be okay. I have nothing on. I guess I'll just have to hang out with Caleb this weekend." She says reluctantly.

"Argh! It's so annoying. I was looking forward to going surfing again!" I groaned.

"Hold on a sec," I heard the phone being put down and then Paige yelling.

"Yip! Be down in a minute!"

And then the phone gets picked up again.

"Gotta go, dinner. I'll see you at school tomorrow! C'ya!" She said.

"Bye." I grumbled, hanging up the phone.

I stumbled down stairs, and sat on the couch, seeing that dads watching the news.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I grab it out.

'Paigey <3: Oh shit. Brussel sprouts for dinner. HELP ME! :( x'

I laughed.

"Mum?" I shouted.

Dad 'shhh'ed me, but I just rolled my eyes.

"Yes?" Answered my mum.

"What's for dinner?" I ask.

"Burgers and chips. It's ready by the way. Would you be a dear and run upstairs to get your brother?" She shouted.

I groaned, and stomped upstairs.

I got to Miles' room and he is -of course- playing x-box.

"Miles, dinner's ready." I say.

"What is it?" He questions, sticking his tongue out as he concentrated.

"Burgers and chips. Come on," I said, and ran back downstairs. I sat at the table and waited for my dinner.

I grabbed my phone out again and texted Paige.

'Me: Burgers and chips! Mmmm I win! ;p x'

Mum brought out dinner just as Miles ran downstairs.

"Yeah! and I bet your score too!" He says into the phone.

Once he hangs up and sits down he looks at me.

"What's up with you? Your face looks like a squashed worm." He states.

I smile sarcastically at him.

"Funny! Who were you on the phone with?" I questioned him.

"Brody. I bet his high score on x-box, and he didn't believe me. So I'm sending him a picture later." He says.

"Wow, riveting." I say sarcastically and he pokes his tongue out.

"Okay, okay. Stop bickering you two! Dinner is served!" Says mum, walking in with the food. Dad walks in behind with the knives and forks.

We eat our dinner in silence, and when I have finished I collect everyone's plates and take them up to the bench.

"Alright, I'm going up to my room. Night mum, dad. Miles." I say, poking my tongue playfully.

"Night hunny," Mum says.

"Goodnight sweetheart," Dad says.

"Night, poophead." Miles says.

"Poophead, that's a new one." I say, before heading up to my room.

I grab my laptop out, check Twitter and Facebook, and then get changed into my checkered pajama shorts and plain white singlet.

I crawl into my double bed, and underneath the purple silky covers, I fall asleep almost instantly.



Hope you're all liking it so far!

I know it hasn't got much of One Direction in it... yet :)

But they will come in at around chapter 3, okay? Okay :)

Thanks for reading! xx


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