Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Let's go, gang!" Mum says, and we pile into the mini van.

I sit at the back, and plug my earphones in, playing my favorite song; Lego House - Ed Sheeran.

Time to settle in for a long ride. Great.

I text Paige.

'Me: Oi, we just left for.. wherever it is we're going for the family gathering hahaha :p It's a 2 and a half hour drive. Kill me now. ;) Time for the headphones and Eddie! Have a good day with your lover ;) xx'

I send the text and about 4 minutes later I have a reply.

'Paigey <3: Awww suck! Oi Ed is amazing <33 Caleb cancelled on me :( Had a 'boys only day' with his mate. Hahaha.. Enjoy the fabulous evening with your fam ;) Call me after! xx'

I smile and then put my phone down, lying back and eventually falling asleep to Ed's voice..


"Kendall, we're here darling." Mum says, and my eyes flutter open.

I groan and get out of the car.

When I see the house we're at I stop breathing for a moment.

"Mum, are you sure we have the right house?" I question, unsure.

It is a huge, two story house with a big pool to one side and a tennis court to the other. It looked VERY flash. Too flash for our family.

"Yes. This is Aunty Carrie's house. And remember your cousin, Tyler? Yes, well, he is here as well." Mum babbles, as I stare open-mouthed at the house.

"Tyler. Man, I haven't seen him since I was 5!" I exclaim.

"Yip, and that is why we are having this gathering! Grab your bags out, honey," Mum says, opening the boot.

I grab my bag and we walk up to the front door.

Aunt Carrie (I think) answered the door.

"Sara!" She exclaims, pulling my mum into a hug. She makes her way around the family, and when she gets to Miles, he says,

"Your house is AWESOME! Mum, can we live here?"

Carrie laughs it off, but mum stares at him as if to say,

'Don't be rude!'

"Come on in everyone! Welcome, welcome! Tyler actually has a friend that is staying with us for a week or so, so he'll be joining us, if that's okay with you," Carrie explains.

"Of course! The more the merrier!" My mum says, smiling ear to ear.

"Alright. I'll just run and get Tyler to show the kids where their room is." Carrie says, running down the hallway.

When Tyler enters, it's crazy. I haven't seem him in about 12 years, and man has he changed! He's pretty good-looking, but I notice his friend behind him, tan with brown eyes and black hair, styled in a quiff. He was very good-looking.

I smile.

"Hey Tyler! Long time no see," I joked.

"Very true! How's your life been for ya?" He joked back, chuckling.

"Great." I laughed.

"Alright. Come on Kendall, Miles," He said as he gestured for us to follow.

I pulled Miles along, and we went down the hallway. The friend stopped, and waited for me, and then walked with me.

"I'm Zayn, by the way," He says, putting his hand out.

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