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I held Eliza in my arms as I walked back to my bedroom. Mentally preparing myself for how Dinah was going to act when she sees Eliza in my arms.

"Hey Lau-who's she" Dinah asked softly as she looked at Eliza.

I let out a shaky breath "this is my niece Eliza. My sister Taylor gave her to me because she couldn't take it anymore" I answered. Dinah furrowed her eyebrows slightly "so she just dropped her off? Like it was no big deal?" I nodded sadly because not only way I think about Eliza I was also thinking about Dinah. What if she dumps me? I'm mean we've only been together for two days, she can't leave me.

"How old is she? Did your sister leave her with anything" Dinah asked as she softly stroked Eliza's cheek.

"Uh she three and no she didn't leave Liza with anything."

Dinah clenched her jaw slightly but soon relaxed "well then I guess we're going shopping for this little cutie. Isn't that right LizaBug" she coos which made Eliza giggle cutely. Tears formed in my eyes "you'd really help me with Liza?" Dinah nods "of course Lauren. I love you and I'm not going to leave you to take care of a three year old by yourself" she chuckles a little "plus how could I say no to this little face" she spoke in a baby voice while pinching Eliza's cheeks softly. Eliza giggles and reached out for Dinah, who took her from me. The sight of Dinah with Eliza made my heart melt. It was so cute how Dinah acted around the child. I definitely fell in love with the right person.


Dinah and I walked into the store hand in hand with Eliza in my arms "LoLo why are we here" Eliza asked "well nugget were here to get you some new clothes" I told her. Eliza's eyes lit up "welly?" I nod "welly cutie" I replied in a baby voice. Eliza wiggled in my arms and I put her down. Immediately the three year old latched on to my hand. I smile at her, at least Taylor taught her something.

"Lizy what about this" I asked as I held up a blue dress. She looked at me timidly "yes dats fine" she mumbles. I furrow my brows in confusion because I don't understand why she went from happy and outgoing to shy and timid in a matter of seconds.

I crouched down in front of her "hey baby girl are you ok" I asked softly. Eliza just bows her head as she little body trembled in fear "I'm fine. Pwease don't hurt me" she whimpered out. My heart stops when she says that "Eliza baby girl look at me." Her teary green eyes found mine "baby I'm not going to hurt you. You're my little munchkin and I could never hurt my little munchkin" I told her. She nods and wiped away her tears with the back of her tiny hand "now I want you to follow Dinah and pick out a toy ok sweetheart?"

"Ok LoLo" she says before running over to Dinah, who led her towards the toys.

I sighed as I began looking at baby clothes for her. I need to talk to my mom and Chris and ask them why Taylor all of a sudden just gave up on Eliza. What happened since my last visit? What's going on with my little sister?

After picking out clothes, shoes and other essentials we decided to head home since it was getting late.

"So where is this little love bug going to sleep" Dinah asked, walking into my apartment.

"I think I'm going to have her sleep with me since this is all new to her" I said as I ran my hand through her hair. Dinah lets out a yawn as she nods her head "aw is my DJ tired?" She pouts and nods. I chuckled "come let's put everything away and then we can head to bed" I said "ok" she mutters tiredly.

After putting everything away and changing Eliza into her pajamas we crawled into bed. Dinah spooned me from behind while I cuddled up with Eliza "good night baby" Dinah mumbles as she fell asleep "night D" I yawned as I snuggled into her and drifted off to sleep.


Ally had her head in my lap while I played with her hair softly as I tried to get her to calm down. She's been crying for the past two hours now and it's breaking my heart seeing her like this.

"Ally baby please talk to me. I can't help you if you don't talk to me" I was practically begging at this point.

Ally turns to lay on her back and look at me "Mani I-I can't! I want to but I c-can't because it's j-just too m-much right now" she sobs. I frowned at her words because I hated knowing that she was so distraught that she couldn't even talk to me.

"Ally I think it's time for bed. Some sleep well definitely do you some good." Ally nods before changing into one of my big shirts. She crawls back in bed and immediately cuddles into my side. I kissed the top of her head before falling asleep.


I was woken up by the sound of yelling. I recognized one of the voices and quickly jumped out of bed.

"Tori why can't you just get it through you head that Normani doesn't want you anymore" Ally yells.

Tori scuffs "Ally no matter how much Normani wants to deny it I know she still loves me. It's only a matter of time before she comes crawling back to me" she says cockily.

I scuffed which caused them both to look at me "Tori I'm never going back to you. You broke my heart, you treated me more like a toy than your girlfriend and I refuse to go back to that" I said.

Tori frowned "but I love you. I made a mistake Mani please don't do this" she cries.

I sighed "Tori I'm so-" I was cut off by her lips crashing on mine. I squealed and shoved her off of me "No Tori I love Ally and I'm not going to ruin my relationship with her just because you want me back! You had your chance with me and you blew it" I yelled angrily.

A tear ran down Tori's cheek before she ran out of my apartment. I sighed and turned to Ally "I'm so sorry you-" I was once again cut off by a pair of lips on my own. But this time I kissed back instead of shoving them away.

"I love you too Normani" Ally say breathlessly.

I smiled "Ally I know you said that you wanted to take it slow but I can't wait anymore. Will you please-"

"Yes Normani yes I'll be your girlfriend" she says cutting me off.

A wide smile formed on my lips as I picked her up and hugged her tightly. I can't believe she said yes. Ally said yes she's finally my girlfriend. Ally Brooke is my girlfriend! I'm so happy right now.

Roses In A Garden Of Ashes(Laurinah/Normally)Where stories live. Discover now