Chapter Twelve

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I did all of this on my IPod so there might be mistakes...

Chapter 12

"Ezekiel!" I shake him for the hundredth time only this time his eyes flutter open.

"This couch is not very comfy." he complains sitting up and stretching out his back.

"You!" I hiss.

"Me Ezekiel." he laughs.

I hit his arm, "You fell asleep!"

"I was tired..."

"That creepy ass movie was still on and you were clinging to me like, like a monkey to a tree!"


"Yeah! I was scared to death! The cabin stared creaking and I heard loud noises from outside. I swear I was going to die!"

Ezekiel gets this adorable guilty look on his face. Wait...adorable?

I close my eyes tightly and cover them with both of my hands.

"What are you doing?" Ezekiel asks.

"I can't look at you!" I tell him pressing my hands closer to my face.

"And why is that?" He says in amusement.

"Because!" ah, the answer to everything!

"Logan," he whines. "Please tell me!"

I make a small slit between my fingers and peek out at him. Damn! He still has that adorable look on his stupid cute face.

"I hate you." I dart up from the couch and runs towards his room. I slam the door shut behind me and lock it.

I walk over to my suitcase and pull out my diary and the sparkly green pen Jamie gave me years ago. I take a deep breath and open up to the newest clear page.

Dear Mr. Diary,

Is it wrong to like two people at the same time?

I'm I pathetic for liking two people who will never like me back.

I know Ezekiel said that his plan would work, but I just don't know anymore. When I thought Jamie and I were alright he doesn't even tell me he's leaving.

Why am I so stupid?

He'll never love me. To make all this worse I think I'm talking about both Jamie and Ezekiel when I say he.

Oh God I love them both!

I wish I could just find a guy who I know will love me, hold me, kiss me. Great, I'm turning into one of those sappy romantic people.

But honestly I'm jealous of all those lovey couples you see walking around. It's been so long that I felt like that.

I guess I never explained this...

I had a boyfriend once. His name was Taydon. We started dating around the beginning of last school year. To me he was perfect. He was extremely attractive, nice, sweet, loving...or so I thought. I remember daydreaming about how cute of a couple we are. Everyone else thought so too. Right around winter break is when I discovered how cruel he actually was.

It was just another normal Saturday. Taydon snuck into my room by my window as usual. I thought we would play video games like we usually did maybe secretly make out for a while, although he seemed different that day.

He pushed me onto my bed and started kissing me. At first I thought he just missed me a little too much. When he stuck his hand down my pants I got a little uncomfortable we'd never gone further than make out, but hey I'm a teenage guy, I was pretty turned on by that. It went overboard when he started striping me I thought he'd stop but he just kept going even after I told him I didn't want to go that far. I may be old fashion but I think 15 is a little young for sex plus he was my first boyfriend and we really hadn't dated that long. I was waiting for the right person. The one I'd spend my life with.

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