Chapter 8 ~New Guy~

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The next few weeks flew by fast. After we kissed ,things took a different turn. I really started liking him. I baked him chocolate chip cookies and made him dinner a few times.We hung out more on the weekends. During the week he worked with his uncle.

I went upstairs and jumped in the shower.I spent 30 minutes,trying to feel relaxed,but I was distracted.I got out of the shower,dried off and put on some clean clothes for school.

I couldn't wait to see Blake.I made him a nice lunch and baked him some ginger snaps.It was an old recipe I found hidden in my grandmothers cookbook.

I got to school and Blake was talking to some blond about math or something..She touched his arm and as she did he pulled away.
I took a deep breath. I was scared for a minute ,Blake and I weren't a couple,but I liked him a lot.I didn't like other girls talking to him,but touching him was another issue.I felt uneasy as I walked up to him and said hi while the not so pretty blond glared at me.

Hey! He smiled.

She walked away flipping her hair in all directions.

So who was- I started to say.

Camille..he stated.

I laughed ,he knew I was going to ask who she was.

I have to go,I have somewhere to go later.

Me too..he shrugged and walked off.

He's being a little strange. I thought.

Later that evening I was getting dressed for Lexis 17th birthday party.It was going to be just a few friends and family.I decided to wear a red dress and black pumps.I didn't have to dress up,I just felt Like it.

I let out a big sigh..I was pretty tired,Blake got a dog and it barked all night,I barely got any rest.After the party I planned on coming home and going to bed early.

Almost an hour later I was ready ,I decided to wear my long brown hair in a French braid.I put on a black shawl to top off my look.My makeup was very simple,I just put on gloss and some eye liner.

I heard a car horn was Lexi.
I grabbed my purse and her gift and dashed out the front door almost running into a perturbed Blake.

Where you going dressed like that? He demanded harshly.

With Lexi now move! I'll be back in a couple hours.

He glared at me and left.He looked angry.He slammed his door hard .I took a deep breath and walk to the car.


What was that about ? Lexi laughed.

Blake and I are in a weird relationship. I laughed after the words came out ..
What are Blake and I? I wondered.
So are you dating him? She broke into my thoughts and it took a minute to respond back.

No I told her staring at the trees going by. Lexi stared at the road and asked me a serious question.

Do you like Mike? She asked me staring at the road.

Oh no..I haven't told her,she might have heard all the other lies.

Lexi Mike isn't -

I like him.She interrupted and I felt nauseated.

All the sickness I felt was about to come up.

Lexi pull over.
Lexi gave me a weird look.

What? Why? She asked

Just pull over! I shouted.

As soon as she pulled over I threw up.I think the stress of everything was getting to me.

I would tell her everything later and hope she would change her mind

____ As soon as we arrived at the party I tan into the bathroom to clean up.

I stared in the mirror for a minute.I looked exhausted.I was really hoping no one noticed.I fixed my hair and put more pink lip gloss on and went to greet everyone.

Okay everyone,time for cake ! Lexi's mom shouted over the chatter. This wasn't a small party,it was almost all of her family.

Nearly four hours later,I was ready to go.It was after 10 pm.I couldn't stop yawning.My mind drifted to my bed.For a moment I thought I was there.

Someone tapped me out of my snooze.

I jumped and looked over to see a guy with dark brown hair wearing a black shirt and jacket.He was dark complected with dimples.

Hey sleepy head! I'm Lexi's cousin Evan.

Hi. I greeted him with a warm smile.

Am I dreaming ? I wondered.This guy was adorable..

You are? He asked showing his adorable dimples.

I forgot my name at that moment.

I am..uh

He laughed. I really hope you have a name,that way I can get your number.

Well there's a pickup line,I've never heard before.

I'm Skyler. I smiled and fiddled with a napkin.He was making so nervous ,I developed amnesia.

So where you live? He kneeled closer to me with his elbows on the table and I uh..then I fell off of the chair.

He swooped down and helped me to my feet.

I'm so sorry.I'm just not with it tonight. I apologized.

That's alright. Are you okay? He asked staring into my eyes.

I'm good. I felt really humiliated.

Why am I so weird tonight? I thought.

I couldn't remember what street I lived on.

Do you live close by? he smiled.

Ask Lexi..I laughed.

Oh no...are you nervous? he looked amused.

Nope,I'm fine.I told him as i brushed off cake crumbs from my dress.

I'm okay.I need to find Lexi ,so I can get home.

Okay cool.Can I get your number?

Uh..I gave it to him hoping he might not call.

I raced around the house looking for Lexi..she's was nowhere.

Her mom came up to me and told me she left with her ex boyfriend to go to the store,but I wanted to go home.

I really need to get home,I told her..

I can take you home..I heard Evan say.

Oh great.Blake will murderize me if he sees Evan.
What choice did I have.

Okay.I told Evan.

I grabbed my shawl and walked out the door with the dangerously handsome Evan behind me.

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