3 - Complications

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I was getting ready for the dinner and just finished my make up when I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly stood up and opened the door to see my boss. He was in a black suit and a tie. His brown hair was gelled backwards and his jaw looked even more defined in that light.

"Oh-" I glanced at my wrist.
"I thought I still had an hour before you get here." I said confused and he nodded.
"I know. I should've called. But I thought we would get to-" Before he could continue, I heard a car pull up in my driveway behind his.

"Hey." My dad yelled when he stepped out and I frowned, but waved back.
"What are you doing here?" I asked when I saw him open the backdoor and let Emma out.
"Mommy!" She yelled and ran up to me.

"Hey baby." I opened my arms wide and she hugged me. I threw my father a look when he approached us on the porch.
"She wanted to have her teddy bear, before she could fall asleep." He explained and turned towards Mister Daniels.

"You must be Elijah Daniels. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Ken, this beautiful woman's dad." He shook Mister Daniels' hand and later on kissed my forehead. I was beyond embarrassed. Why was this week not going after plan at all?

I still had Emma in my arms and told her to get her teddy. When she was gone, I straightened my back and shot my boss an apologetic look.
"Sir, I'm sorry. This is all a mess. Why were you here again?" I asked and he chuckled as I interrupted his and my dad's conversation.

"Oh, yes. I wanted to tell you a few things about this dinner. Who the people are and what they do. I know we normally don't do that either, but it's a very important dinner as I said before." He answered me and I nodded.

"Alright, sorry. Come on in, then." I said and he nodded before getting in.
"You can take a seat in the living room, I will just-" My sentence was interrupted by fast footsteps, that stopped right in front of us. I looked down and Emma was already grinning at me, showing me the bear.

"Alright little one. Time to go." My dad picked her up and she suddenly started crying and squirming in his arms. I hissed under my breath, because my boss could still see everything.
"I want mommy!" Her hands reached out for me and I immediately took her.

"Shh, baby. It's fine." I lied her head on my shoulder, caressing her back gently. She stopped crying and only sniffled after a few minutes. I shot my dad a look and he gave me an apologetic smile.

All this time, Mister Daniels was just standing there, not really knowing what to do. I don't blame him. But as soon as Emma spotted him in the room, she straightened her back again and reached out for him. I frowned and my boss also had a confused look on his face.

"I think she wants him to hold her." My dad said and I rolled my eyes. No shit.
"I-" My boss started to say, but I interrupted him with a small laugh.
"I'm so sorry, sir. Here take her." I tried to hand her over to my father, but she started screaming again.

"Emma, stop it!" I hissed and she shook her head. She made those noises that made me realize she really wanted him to hold her. But how weird would that be? Having my boss hold my daughter. She became more and more impatient, just like me.

"It's fine, I can-"
"Emma, stop it and go with grandpa." I ordered my daughter. She was three and understood when I was being serious. Normally when I give her my stern mommy voice, she listens, but there was something off today.

She started reaching out for him and started screaming again. I couldn't bear it, so I turned my body away from him, so she couldn't see him anymore. What was wrong with her? She never acted like that. She kept screaming and her face was red and wet from the tears when I left the house and closed the front door behind me.

"Emma, listen." I said in a calm voice, making her rub her eyes and hiccup.
"What's wrong?" I asked, stroking her head and kissing her hand. I sat down on the ground and sat her on my lap. She started crying again, but without the screaming and it broke my heart.

What was wrong with her? I checked her forehead for any kind of fever. It was hot, but she was screaming her guts out just a few minutes ago. So of course it's hot.
"It's okay, baby." I frowned when she nodded and lied her head in the crook of my neck.

She was still crying silently and I really didn't want to leave her like this. So I stood up and got inside again, Emma still in the same position in my arms. She shifted and had full view of Mister Daniels again.

"Oh no. I know that look." I heard my dad say when I approached the two men in the living room. Mister Daniels stood up with a concerned look on his face. I had to look away, because he still had no idea.

"I'm sorry Mister Daniels. But she seems sick and-"
"You have to stay here with her, I understand." He nodded as he straightened his tie around his neck. I bit my bottom lip and nodded.

"Well, good thing I came a little earlier, right." He was seeing the bright side of it and I was surprised by his small smile.
"Again, I'm so sorry." I said, feeling Emma straighten in my arms again.

Mister Daniels nodded and smiled at my daughter. I took a step backwards when he approached us. He noticed this and shot me a confused look, before clearing his throat. I knew he was about to come over and say some sweet nonsense to Emma. I didn't want that. I didn't want him in her life.

"Well, it was nice meeting you." He turned to my dad and they shook hands. He then turned back to me and glanced at the way I protectively held Emma. I knew he must think I'm an overprotective mother now, but I don't care. I can't risk him finding out.

"I'll see you on Monday then." He nodded at me and didn't try to get near Emma again. He just walked past me and out the door.
"What was that all about?" I heard dad ask and frowned at him.

"I don't know what got to her, really-"
"No, what got to you? The way you stepped back. Is he known for violence or something? Are you scared of him? What was that?" Dad looked confused and I just shrugged.

"You know I don't like when people touch my baby." I kissed the top of Emma's head and he nodded slowly.

"Still weird." He murmured.

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