4 - Hurt Looks and Regret

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I turned my head to the left when the door opened. I smiled at my boss and waited for him to smile back, but he didn't today.
"Are you afraid of me or something?" His usual confident smirk was replaced by a deep frown. His hands were shoved in his pockets and his eyes were narrowed.

"What?" I asked confused. Where did that come from? The whole day we haven't talked and I figured the dinner two days ago went well without me, since I saw the mail today.
"I asked if you had a problem with me. Because if you do, tell me what it is." He came closer and I felt myself gulp.

"I don't, sir. I-"
"You know I held your daughter before. Are you afraid I would drop her?" He asked, rudely interrupting me.
"No, I just didn't want to risk her puking on you or anything. Your suit looked expensive." I made up this excuse after my dad kept asking me why I wouldn't let my boss hold Emma.

"Oh please. That wouldn't have been any more humiliating than the fact that you backed away when I neared you. You were acting like I wanted to harm you. I'd like you to know, I wouldn't have. Your father probably thought you were scared of me." He said as he plopped down on the seat in front of my desk.

"I'm sorry if it seemed like that." I said, wanting this talk to be over already. His stern face and intense look was making me feel all hot again. He studied me for a while, before straightening his back and nodding slowly, all the while locking eyes with me.

"Must have been quite the chance of a life style when you got her." He said and I raised an eyebrow. What?
"Excuse me?" I asked and he smiled for the first time today.

"Your father told me, I hope you don't mind. He said a few things about your pregnancy and stuff. I mean, you were pretty young. Twenty, right? I remember, you were just an intern back then." He said and I gulped. Did he remember? No way, please.

"I guess." I said, not sure where he's getting at. It took me a whole weekend to put up my confidence again after our passionate night. He was drunk, I was young and foolish. I thought he was hot, which he still is. But back then I was a little more outgoing.

And before I knew, we had sex after an awkward encounter at the local club. I left early the next day and he didn't seem to remember the following week, so I kept silent. Then I realized that I was pregnant and yes, my life did change.

"So your daughter, Emma is it?" He asked and I nodded.
"She's three now?" He asked and I nodded.
"She's turning three in a few weeks." I answered him and he nodded.

It was quiet for a while and he just smiled and watched me type on my computer. I didn't know what to do, but I had a lot of work to do, so I just kept working. It's weird that he is just here, watching me. He hasn't done that since- since I was an intern and he watched me, so he could see if I was doing a good job.

"Sir?" I asked after five minutes. He wasn't looking at me now, he was just staring at the ground, seeming deep in thoughts.
"Huh?" His eyes met mine again.

"Was there anything else you needed?" I asked him and he frowned, before shaking his head and standing up. He shoved his hands back in his pockets as he looked down on me.

"I've known you for almost four years now and I was hurt when you backed away. I still don't know if I believe the excuse you told me. But just know that I wouldn't harm you in any way. I thought that was clear." He said, sounding truly hurt.

"I know. Of course, you wouldn't hurt me. I was just so done and she kept crying, I- I'm sorry." I told him, feeling even guiltier than I did before. He was truly hurt and I'm sure if he knew she was his daughter, it would break his heart. What did I do?

He smiled at me and then left my office. I sighed and dropped my head on the desk. I didn't know this would hurt him. I didn't even know he liked kids. I only found out when Emma was in his office. If I knew three years ago, I would've told him. What did I do?

I sighed and continued working.

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