14 - Drunk Confessions

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Elijah's PoV:

I shot up from the couch when I heard a loud noise. Then I heard the front door close and quickly walked towards it. Nora was on the ground, giggling and my eyes widened. Is she drunk? Did that asshole bring her home drunk?

"Nora?" I asked, crouching down to help her up and her eyes snapped to me.
"God?" She slurred and I frowned.
"Get up, Nora." I pulled her to her feet and she giggled even more.

I put an arm around her waist, leading her to the kitchen. She seemed really drunk and if she didn't drink a few sips of water, she'd have an enormous hangover tomorrow. But Nora had other plans as she threw both her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek sloppily.

"What are you doing?" I cringed at her warm saliva that was now coating my cheek.
"Mhm." She moaned, kissing my jaw now. I blinked a few times, feeling bad for letting her embarrass herself, but I forgot how nice it felt to be with her.

"Nora." I croaked out, not knowing what I wanted. I gave her more access to my neck when her lips landed on a soft spot. My lips parted and I leaned back on the wall to get a hold. She continued kissing my neck until she dropped to her knees and my eyes widened.

"Hold on, Nora." I said, pulling her back up.
"How about we get you something to drink." I said softly, making her shake her head.
"No more drinks, I have a child at home!" She slurred and I nodded.

"Just water, Nora. Not drinks." I said and she made a sound, before nodding. I lead her into the kitchen, gently sitting her down on the bar stool. I placed a glass of water in front of her and she gulped it all down. I refilled it again and waited for her to drink it.

I wonder how her date went. Why was she drunk anyways? I didn't strike that Richard guy to be a bloody irresponsible asshole. She said he was safe, so I thought he was mature. When Nora gulped the second glass down, I sighed and put the glass in the sink.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her and she smiled up at me, lazily.
"Wonderful." She said and giggled afterwards. She lifted her arms and groaned.
"Carry me home, prince. I need to get home to Emma and Elijah." She said and I almost chuckled.

"You are home, Nora." I said and her eyes widened before she looked around.
"Where is everybody?" She hiccuped and I raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting down next to her.

"When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no." She sang. Her voice was awful, I loved it.
"Let's get you to bed." I said and put my hands on her waist, trying to pull her up.
"Don't touch me!" She yelled and slapped my hands away.

"Nora-" I sighed, getting a little frustrated.
"You can't touch me. No one touches me. Except Elijah. Sometimes. Years ago." She admitted and I frowned. What?

"Elijah touches you?" I decided to play along. Maybe she'd finally tell me what's wrong.
"Not anymore. God knows I'm craving his touches, but I can't. I have to think about Emma." She hiccuped again.

"Why won't you let him touch you?" I asked, feeling different. Just different.
"Because he isn't safe." She groaned, placing her hands on her face. This again!
"Why?" I asked, trying to sound soft, but this safe thing was getting on my nerves.

"Duh, he's Elijah Daniels." She said as if it was obvious. What the fuck?
"What does that mean?" I asked and she snorted.
"He's a player. A playeeeer." She sung. No- Well...

"That's why he isn't safe?" I asked and she nodded.
"Uhu. He can't love me. He doesn't love women, he plays them. That's who I picked to be the father of my child." She said, groaning again.

"I'm not a player, Nora." I said and she giggled and pinched my cheek.
"I know you're not. I said Elijah, stupid." She kissed my nose and then tried to stand up. Damn she's drunk. I placed my arm around her waist again and then we made our way to her bedroom.

She thought I was a player? I used to be, I know. But I haven't had a woman ever since I found out about Emma. I am trying to change and if that's all that makes me unsafe, then I'll just show her that I'm not a player and I can love her. I don't play with women anymore, those times are over.

She plopped down on her bed and I pulled her shoes off. Her dress seemed uncomfortable, but I wasn't sure if I should undress her. She wouldn't want that, I was sure. So all I did, was open the zipper, so she would get enough air. But then her hand shot up, touching mine.

"What-" I got interrupted by her warm lips on mine. She was kissing me! I kissed her back immediately and she moaned, pulling me on top of her. I knew it was wrong, but it felt so good. Our kiss turned from slow and passionate to fast and sloppy.

I enjoyed every second of it and was surprised when she started undoing my belt. I was torn between being responsible and saying no, but then I knew I could never say no to her. I always found her attractive and I couldn't help but think of the one time we had sex. The time Emma was created. It was amazing.

"Nora-" I stopped her hands and looked down at her when our lips separated.
"Please." She whispered and that was all it took for me to obey. I slowly leaned back down and met her lips. I could taste the alcohol and it felt so wrong.

I wanted her, so bad. She wanted me too for once. What held me up? I broke the kiss and lied down next to her with a groan. I can't do it. She was drunk, I wasn't. I looked to my right and saw her already looking at me.

"I'm sorry." I said and sat up straight. When I looked back down at her, I frowned. Did she really just fall asleep? Like right now? I shook my head and put the blanket over her body. I know for a fact that women hate it to fall asleep with make up on, so I quickly got some wipes from the bathroom and wiped most of her make up off.

She stirred in her sleep, but also snored faintly. So I knew she was fast asleep. I kissed her forehead and threw the wipes away, before taking off my jeans. I crawled into bed next to her and pulled her up on my chest.

I hope this would be routine one day. Me falling asleep next to her, with our daughter sleeping in her room.

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