15 - Good Morning

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Nora's PoV:

I felt the bed shake and groaned before opening my eyes. I groaned again, because the light was hurting my pupils. Then I heard giggles and knew my girl was on the bed again.
"Mommy, daddy!" She yelled and my eyes shot open again. I never heard her say daddy.

I heard another groan from next to me and hoped it was Emma's. But I knew it was way too raspy to be hers. Soon I heard a chuckle and Emma's loud giggles.
"How is my little angel today, eh?" His voice made me close my eyes again.

"I had a dream!" She said.
"Oh yeah? What dream?" He asked her and I felt the bed shake again. I knew he was sitting now, but I didn't dare looking. What was he doing in my bed? What happened yesterday?

"Mommy okay?" She asked and I felt both set of eyes looking at me.
"Mommy has a headache, let's talk quietly, yeah?" His soft voice surprised me. How did he know I had a headache? What ha- no. I was drunk, wasn't I? I don't remember anything.

Except the reason I was drunk. Ugh, I never learn, will I? I heard Emma tell her dad what she dreamed about and smiled into my pillow at the end. I bet Elijah was just as confused as I was every time she told a story.

"Oh. Great." He said in the end and I almost laughed. I didn't get half of what she was saying. She was in that stage where she started talking a little more, I noticed. But I still couldn't really understand her.

"Are you hungry, princess?" He asked and Emma made a noise, telling him yes.
"Let's go, make some breakfast. What do you want?" I felt him stand up and leave the room. I could still hear Emma talking and smiled, before groaning into the pillow.

I need to know what exactly happened yesterday. I had to face him, even though I was sure I did a few things, that would've been embarrassing if I was sober. Did I really want to know them? Yes, I had to. So I stood up and yawned. My head was pounding and I felt nasty.

I didn't even care how I looked, I walked straight into the bathroom and showered. The hot water felt good and I took aspirin afterwards. I changed into something comfortable and didn't even care that I wasn't wearing a bra. My skin was sore around that area from wearing it too long.

When I stepped into the dining room, I saw Elijah eating a bowl of cereal and Emma copying him. When they heard me come in, the looked at me and I felt a little insecure. Why? That's my daughter and her dad, what's wrong with me?

"Good morning." He said, roaming my body. His eyes were focused on my chest and I covered them with my hands. He gulped and looked back at his bowl.
"Good morning." I answered and then kissed Emma's head.

She started telling me about her dream and I understood even less than the first time. But I wasn't really focused on that. I felt Elijah's eyes on me the whole time I was pouring myself a bowl of cereal. It made me feel hot and I cursed myself for feeling this way.

"That's great, baby. Eat up." I stroked her cheek when she finished telling me and I started eating myself. I was seated in front of Elijah and dared to glance at him. He wasn't looking at me, thank God.

"How did you sleep?" I was surprised I even asked him. And from the looks of it, he was too.
"Uh, great. How about you?" He asked, finally looking at me.
"It was okay." I shrugged and he nodded, before licking his lips.

"Can you-"
"I-" We started talking at the same time again and I blushed, looking away from him.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" He asked, chuckling.

"Well, could you tell me what happened yesterday?" I asked him and he cleared his throat, shoving his bowl aside. I gulped when he leaned his elbows on the table and locked gaze with me. I waited for him to start talking, but it never really came.

"Elijah?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Yeah, sorry." He said and looked at his fingers.
"I don't really know what happened, but you came home drunk as fu- fudge." He quickly corrected himself after I gave him a look.

"And then?" I glanced at Emma, seeing she was distracted by her spoon.
"Well, we- you, actually." He chuckled, before clearing his throat again.
"You kissed me and-"

"Oh no." I hid my face with my hands.
"We didn't have es, e, x." He spelled and I almost laughed.
"But I kissed you." I groaned, looking at him again.

"So? Couples kiss." He shrugged and I raised an eyebrow.
"Couples do, but not us." I corrected him.
"Yet." I heard him say and frowned.
"What?" I was confused.

"You told me why I wasn't safe." He pronounced that word weirdly again.
"I did what?" No way!
"You told me I was a player and wouldn't be able to love you." He said, sounding angry all of a sudden.

"Oh God, Elijah-"
"You're wrong, you know." He interrupted me and I rolled my eyes, before standing up and walking into the kitchen with my bowl. I placed it in the sink and turned around, jumping at the closeness of Elijah.

"I haven't had any girls in ages, Nora." He said and I shrugged as if I didn't care.
"It's none of my business. I was drunk, Elijah. I'm sorry." I shook my head and tried to get past him, but he took a hold of my waist, softly pushed me against the kitchen island and trapped me between his hands.

"Elijah-" His lips interrupted me and I felt my knees weaken. I can't remember kissing him last night, so today was the first time I felt his lips against mine again. He was dominant as always and I melted against him, before slowly starting to kiss him back.

What was I doing? It seemed like I couldn't stop kissing him. My hands had a mind of their own when they wrapped themselves around his neck. None of us broke the kiss, because we both knew, once we stopped, hell would break loose.

But we had to breath, so we slowly parted.

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