Thirty eight

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(A/N sorry I didn't upload yesterday I had a shit ton of homework that I wasn't finished until like 11pm and my neck was sore from drawing/writing)

***Tyler's POV***

'Joshy?' I say quietly

'Yeah' he replies

'You know the way you were planning to move back over here, well I was thinking what if you just, live here'

I'm looking down at my hands twiddling my thumbs, scared for the response

'I'd love to Tyler' Josh replied pulling me in for a hug

'That's great! We should probably get your parents to post over the rest of your things so that you don't have to go back over there, I know it's hard for you'

'That sounds good, thanks ty'

'Okay good, I'm gonna go out and get some food, you can stay here' I say smiling and getting up from the sofa



I wasn't really going shopping, well I was but not for food, I wanted to get josh a present to cheer him up after everything with his dad

I was looking around the music store for one thing that I'd knew he'd love, a drum kit

I saw one, it was amazing, Josh would love it, it had skulls and aliens on it and it reminded me of Josh for some reason

I told the cashier this was what I wanted then I paid, the drums were going to be delivered in 1 day as I didn't have much room in my car

I walked out of the store with a smile on my face but that smile quickly faded when I heard my 'nickname' being called

'Hey faggot!'


I turned around and he was standing there with his friends and he did not look happy

'What do you want, Mark? Another beating from my boyfriend?'

'I don't see no boyfriend'

I gulped, he was right, Josh wasn't here, who was going to be my night in shining armour this time

He grabbed me by my shirt and pushed me up against a wall, I groan and he starts to punch me

This beating feels longer than usual and I'm starting to get light headed, I look down and there's blood all over the ground, my blood, fuck, that looks like a lot

I fall to the ground and I can feel my eyes closing, Mark and his friends don't stop though, they just keep kicking me and kicking me and kicking me, until it stops, everything stops...

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